

Amazon Alexa Echo Show 8 (3.ª gen) | Audio espacial, hub de Smart Home más 1 foco inteligente


(60 valoraciones de clientes)

Mejorado por dentro y por fuera – El entretenimiento es más inmersivo con audio espacial y pantalla táctil HD de 8″. Las videollamadas son más nítidas con un sonido de alta calidad y la cámara de 13 MP. Además, tu casa estará más conectada que nunca con el hub de Smart Home integrado…

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Sobre este artículo
  • Mejorado por dentro y por fuera – El entretenimiento es más inmersivo con audio espacial y pantalla táctil HD de 8″. Las videollamadas son más nítidas con un sonido de alta calidad y la cámara de 13 MP. Además, tu casa estará más conectada que nunca con el hub de Smart Home integrado.
  • Definición vibrante, sonido completo – El contenido de Prime Video, Netflix, Fire TV Channels y más cobra vida con la pantalla HD y el envolvente audio espacial. Pídele a Alexa que ponga contenido de Amazon Music, Apple Music o Spotify. Algunos servicios requieren suscripción.
  • Tu smart home simplificada – Vincula y controla dispositivos compatibles con Zigbee, Matter y Thread sin un hub de Smart Home adicional. Administra cámaras, luces y más usando la pantalla o tu voz, o bien activa rutinas con la detección de movimiento. También cuenta con conectividad por Bluetooth y wifi.
  • Comunicación constante – Haz videollamadas a manos libres usando solo tu voz o el nuevo widget de Conexiones principales para llamar con un solo toque. Ten videollamadas más naturales gracias a la cámara centrada con encuadre automático y la tecnología de reducción de ruido.
  • Presume los buenos momentos — Amazon Photos convierte la pantalla de Inicio en un marco digital para tus recuerdos favoritos y el color autorregulable hace que se vean increíbles bajo cualquier iluminación. Invita a tu familia y amigos a compartir fotos en tu Echo Show.
  • Ve lo más relevante — La funcionalidad Contenido adaptativo te permite echar un vistazo a tus recordatorios o calendario desde lejos, o bien ver contenido detallado cuando estás cerca. Los íconos de acceso rápido de la pantalla de Inicio facilitan el acceso con un solo toque a tus widgets más usados.
  • Diseño sustentable – Este dispositivo está hecho con un 29% de materiales reciclados. El 99% del empaque de este dispositivo está hecho a base de materiales de fibra de madera y procede de bosques gestionados responsablemente o materiales reciclados.
  • Diseño que protege tu privacidad — Amazon no se dedica a vender tu información personal a terceros. Los Echo Buds están diseñados con varias capas de controles de privacidad, incluyendo la capacidad de silenciar los micrófonos desde la app de Alexa.

Mejorado por dentro y por fuera

El Echo Show 8 tiene mejor sonido con audio espacial envolvente, mejores llamadas con una cámara centrada y encuadre automático, así como mejor integración con Smart Home gracias al hub de Smart Home integrado, todo en una pantalla táctil HD de 8”.

Alexa hace la vida más fácil

Reproduce tu música favorita sin parar, haz videollamadas a manos libres, ve tus fotos antiguas y recibe actualizaciones en la pantalla de Inicio. Solo debes decir la palabra mágica.


Sonido vibrante, maratones de series inigualables

El audio espacial llena la habitación de sonido mientras que la tecnología de adaptación a la habitación analiza en automático la acústica del espacio y calibra la reproducción para obtener el sonido óptimo. Escucha cada movimiento de tus series y música favoritos: el sonido mantiene su potencia sin importar qué escuches.


Comunícate con tus seres queridos más rápido que nunca

Haz videollamadas con la cámara centrada, el encuadre automático de 13 MP y la tecnología de reducción de ruido. El widget de Conexiones principales mantiene los dispositivos de tu hogar y tus contactos a la vista para que puedas comunicarte con tus familiares y amigos rápidamente. Llama con un toque o usa la vista en vivo para ver cómo están tus familiares, mascotas y más dispotivos mientras estás fuera.

Tu Smart Home es compatible con más

Vincula y controla dispositivos compatibles con Zigbee, Matter y Thread sin un hub adicional. Administra cámaras, luces y más con la pantalla táctil o tu voz. Programa rutinas o inícialas con tus movimientos.

“Alexa, muestra el jardín trasero”.
LuzEnchufe inteligenteCerraduraTermostato VentiladorVideo timbre

Revive tus mejores momentos una y otra vez

Usa Amazon Photos para convertir tu pantalla de Inicio en un marco digital con Alexa. Disfruta de tus momentos favoritos y fotos que hayan compartido amigos y familiares en una presentación de diapositivas o en rotación con otro contenido de la pantalla de Inicio. Las imágenes se verán geniales bajo cualquier iluminación gracias al color autorregulable.

“Alexa, inicia el marco de fotos”.


Alexa Emergency Assist

Alexa puede ayudarte en caso de que ocurra una emergencia. Solo tienes que usar la voz para pedir ayuda y te comunicará con un agente de respuesta ante emergencias disponible las 24/7 sin tiempo de espera. Los agentes pueden analizar la situación, contactar a la policía, a los bomberos o bien pedir una ambulancia y quedarse contigo en la llamada hasta que llegue el servicio de ayuda. También puedes guardar con antelación la información crítica (p. ej., código de entrada y alergias) para agilizar los tiempos de respuesta y recibir alertas inteligentes si se activan las alarmas de tus detectores de humo/monóxido de carbono. Comienza a usar Alexa Emergency Assist. Se requiere suscripción.

Alexa para los niños y la familia

Alexa puede ayudar a que los niños aprendan y se desarrollen mientras se divierten. Gracias al control parental gratuito de Amazon Kids, Alexa automáticamente filtra las letras de canciones explícitas, bloquea las compras y ofrece respuestas adaptadas para niños. La privacidad de los niños es importante para nosotros. Descubre cómo pueden usar Alexa, consulta videotutoriales, preguntas frecuentes y más.

Diseñado para proteger tu privacidad

Alexa y los dispositivos Echo Show se crearon con varias capas de protección de privacidad. Incluyen un botón para desactivar los micrófonos y la cámara, una cubierta integrada para bloquear la cámara. También puedes eliminar las grabaciones de voz, de manera que tengas transparencia y control sobre tu experiencia con Alexa. Más información sobre cómo funcionan Alexa y los dispositivos Echo.


Fácil de configurar y usar


Paso 1

Enchufa el Echo Show 8.


Paso 2

Conéctate al internet usando
tu Echo Show 8.


Paso 3

Pídele a Alexa que ponga música, que te diga el estado del clima,
las noticias y más.

Diseño sustentable

Medimos la huella de carbono de este dispositivo y buscamos oportunidades de reducir sus emisiones en cada etapa de su ciclo de vida. Las figuras son para el Echo Show 8, sin incluir ninguna otra versión (por ejemplo, cualquier edición infantil) ni ningún accesorio o dispositivo incluido. Actualizamos la huella de carbono cuando descubrimos nueva información que cambia la huella de carbono estimada de un dispositivo en más de un 5%.

Consultar folleto informativo de Echo Show 8 (3.ª generación)

Huella de carbono
Echo Show 8

Echo Show 8

Tamaño 7.9” x 5.5” x 4.2” (200 mm x 139 mm x 106 mm)
Peso 36.6 oz (1034 g) El tamaño y peso reales pueden variar en función del proceso de fabricación.
Pantalla Pantalla táctil HD de 8.0”
Cámara Cámara centrada de 13 MP con cubierta integrada (la calidad y el tamaño de la foto pueden variar)
Conectividad wifi Wifi de doble banda compatible con redes wifi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac. No es compatible con redes wifi ad hoc (o peer-to-peer).
Hub de Smart Home Zigbee + Matter + router de borde Thread
Conectividad Bluetooth Perfil de distribución de audio avanzada (A2DP) para el streaming de audio desde tu dispositivo móvil al Echo Show 8 o desde el Echo Show 8 a tu parlante Bluetooth. Perfil de control remoto de audio y video (AVRCP) para el control por voz de los dispositivos móviles conectados. El control por voz a manos libres no es compatible con dispositivos Mac OS X. Los parlantes Bluetooth que requieren códigos PIN no son compatibles.
Audio Parlantes de neodimio de 2” x 2”, con rango completo y radiador de graves pasivo
Requisitos del sistema El Echo Show 8 viene listo para conectarse a tu red wifi. La app de Alexa es compatible con dispositivos Fire OS, Android e iOS; además, puedes acceder a ella en un navegador web. Sistemas operativos compatibles. Es posible que algunos servicios y Skills requieran una suscripción u otras tarifas.
Tecnología de configuración La configuración fácil Wi-Fi Simple Setup de Amazon permite conectar dispositivos inteligentes a la red wifi en tan solo unos cuantos pasos fáciles. Este es otro ejemplo de las mejoras constantes de Alexa. Obtén más información sobre esta configuración sencilla.
Procesador SoC con procesador de ocho núcleos con AZ2 Neural Network Engine de Amazon
Funcionalidades de accesibilidad Para activar las funcionalidades de accesibilidad de Alexa, ve a Configuración → Accesibilidad.

• La función Presiona y activa Alexa permite el acceso a Alexa por tacto, en lugar de voz, mediante íconos en pantalla o un teclado. Además, puedes guardar tus acciones favoritas.

• La escucha adaptativa da más tiempo para terminar de hablar antes de que Alexa responda.

• La velocidad de voz preferida permite controlar qué tan rápido o lento habla Alexa.

• Los subtítulos de llamadas Alexallamadas regulares y descriptivos proporcionan subtítulos de texto en cualquier modo para el contenido compatible.

• La Identificación de objetos permite que las personas ciegas o con discapacidad visual identifiquen productos con solo decir “Alexa, ¿qué estoy sujetando?”

• El lector de pantalla VoiceView proporciona accesibilidad para las personas ciegas o con discapacidad visual.

• La lupa permite ampliar o alejar la pantalla y desplazarse en ella.

• La opción de notificar cuando esté cerca emite sonidos de notificación para avisarte cuando estés cerca de tu dispositivo Echo.

• La lectura en voz alta de Kindle hará que Alexa lea tus libros Kindle en voz alta.

• El texto en tiempo real permite escribir texto en vivo durante una videollamada.

• Las funcionalidades de accesibilidad de Alexa también incluyen la inversión y corrección de colores, sonido de solicitud y más.

Garantía y servicio Incluye garantía limitada y servicio de 1 año. Las garantías extendidas opcionales de 1 año2 años, y 3 años solo están disponibles para los clientes en Estados Unidos y se venden por separado. El uso del Echo Show 8 está sujeto a estos términos.
Contenido de la caja Echo Show 8, adaptador de corriente blanco (30 W)/cable de alimentación (4.9 ft.) y guía de inicio rápido.
Generación Echo Show 8 (3.ª generación, modelo de 2023)
Funcionalidades de privacidad Tecnología de palabra de activación, indicadores de video en vivo, botón para activar/desactivar los micrófonos y la cámara, cubierta de la cámara integrada, opción de consultar y eliminar tus grabaciones de voz y más. Visita el hub de privacidad de Alexa para explorar cómo es que Alexa y los dispositivos Echo se diseñaron para proteger tu privacidad.
Idioma Alexa habla español e inglés
Skills y funcionalidades de Alexa Alexa brinda comodidad, valor y diversión a tu vida para controlar con la voz todo lo que te rodea. También puede ayudarte a disfrutar al máximo de las cosas que te gusta hacer y encontrar nuevas ideas que nunca habías imaginado. Descubre y obtén más información sobre todo lo que Alexa puede hacer.
Actualizaciones de seguridad del software Las actualizaciones de seguridad del software de este dispositivo están garantizadas por lo menos cuatro años después de que el dispositivo deja de estar disponible a la venta como producto nuevo en nuestros sitios web. Obtén más información sobre estas actualizaciones de seguridad del software. Si ya tienes un Amazon Echo, consulta la opción Administrar contenido y dispositivos para obtener información específica sobre tu dispositivo.
Amazon Sidewalk Una red compartida que ayuda a que los dispositivos compatibles funcionen mejor en casa y más allá de la puerta. Si se pierde la conexión wifi, Sidewalk permite que determinados dispositivos sigan conectados. Además, Sidewalk ayuda a que dispositivos como aspersores de agua y localizadores de mascotas funcionen en distancias más largas. Sidewalk utiliza una pequeña parte de tu ancho de banda de Internet para brindarte estas ventajas tanto a ti como a tus vecinos a través de Sidewalk Bridges (dispositivos Echo y Ring participantes), y está activada en tu dispositivo a menos que hayas desactivado la configuración previamente. Puedes desactivar Sidewalk en cualquier momento. Obtener más información sobre Sidewalk.

Carbón, Blanco Glaciar



60 valoraciones en Amazon Alexa Echo Show 8 (3.ª gen) | Audio espacial, hub de Smart Home más 1 foco inteligente

Basado en 60 reseñas.
  1. Greg Chaplin

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    We love it, just some functionality issues when using in South Africa

    This has been a great addition to our home. Its mostly plays music and creates shopping lists – the kids love to interact with it. We have had some functionality issues when using in South Africa but nothing too major

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  2. Ms pjh

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Digital Assistant Show 8 .3

    I like the ease of unpacking, then activating updated gadgets. This is a financially viable endeavor so far. I love the white color and the sound pops. I will add speakers to further enjoy the music. Fun!

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  3. Kayla Willis

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great piece of technology

    This is a great faaature for our home. How I ever got along without Alexa before I do not know. My kids enjoy the games on it. The music and audio books are great and sound nice for doing house work. And we paired our Blink cameras to it is so we can view them on the crystal clear screen.

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  4. Stephen FigueroaStephen Figueroa

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Awesome Amazon Device

    I purchased this device during Prime Week for a great deal. It arrived safely and on time. I made a test call with my mom and it went well. The picture and sound are crystal clear and you can have great video calls with your friends and family. I would recommend this product to anyone.

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  5. LML

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Never been happier

    I have wanted one of these for quite a while, but was able to get one during prime days. I love it and I have already used it so much that it’s basically paid for itself.

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  6. T. Nagy

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Almost perfect

    We bought the new 8 inch Show because it is larger then the 5 inch we had in the kitchen. Love the size and it is a great picture that works with our Ring. Our counters and backsplash are black, the Show is black, unfortunately, the cord and plug are white. It looks terrible. Why would anyone sell a black item with a white cord? I am not happy about the ads on my Shows. I pay for this item and should not have their ads come into my home.

    A 9 personas les resultó útil

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  7. Casper Janeway

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    It’s a wonder..

    Oh my, the sound of music 🎶. easy setup. What really took my breath away was the music..it was hard to believe the crystal clear sound this Amazon Echo Show 8, was producing…all the goodies flashing on the screen…temperature, weather forecast, family photos, the time..oh, so much more. Thank you Amazon for this must have product.

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  8. Kindle Customer

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    No Ad Free Option

    I won’t lie I’m disappointed. This is the first Amazon product I have bought where I do not have the options to turn off advertisement. For the amount that this unit cost you would think one would have the option to do so. Other than that it seems to work fine. It was easy to set up and the sound quality is decent. It could use some additional widgets especially when it comes to sports and news options.

    A 10 personas les resultó útil

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  9. V. Rader

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Can’t Keep Lyrics On Screen when playing music-Problem Solved!

    The lyrics display for only a minute or less when playing music and then turns on the sleep screen date time and temp. I’ve tried all the so-called “bug fixes” and nothing works. Very disappointed. My grandson has the earlier version and it works just fine. I’ve updated all the software and tried various other suggested fixes but no luck. May have to return it. Our main reason for buying was for the music and the lyrics display. Very disappointed. It seems even Amazon doesn’t have the answer. The software is apparently ahead of the tech support. UPDATE: I just received a call from Amazon Outreach Support. Since writing this review last night I was able to glean a, although somewhat awkward, solution to keep the sleep screen at bay. Involves adjusting the start and end times in the nighttime setting. Somewhere online (not an Amazon website) someone suggested setting the start time to 12PM and end time to 12PM for the next day. This worked. However the sleep screen never returned and it scrolled all kinds of ads, suggestions, etc., endlessly while the Echo was idle. Overnight I had the notion that since we listen to our music mainly within a window of approx 6 or 7PM to somewhere late into the evening, maybe resetting those times for our window of music would resolve both issues. Right now my date/time/temp screen is stable. Tonight we will find out. Hope to get back with an update of good news. BTW, I did change my rating to 4 stars. It’s a good product otherwise. The sound quality is A+ and I have a lot to learn about it yet. Update. Still no resolution to the lyrics display problem. Tried all kinds of stuff nothing works. No solution from Amazon. I’ll keep it but not happy with that point. Enjoy the date time temp clock while playing music instead of music display. FURTHER UPDATE 3.18.24: Still unable to solve the problem, and Amazon has not provided a solution. In all fairness, I should add that the lyrics only show for Amazon Music…other sources do not have the lyrics capability. My issue applies only to playing Amazon Music. I have decided to keep the device anyway, as it is a great product and I am learning new things about it everyday. So if you don’t care about music lyrics, buy it and enjoy.UPDATE 4.06.24: I would like potential customers to know that today I installed a new software update that corrected the problem of the lyrics disappearing behind the sleep screen! YAY! I have now given this device 5 stars. Apparently they do listen to our complaints.

    A 136 personas les resultó útil

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  10. noel valencia

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    A lot of fun if you want to keep in touch w/ family and very good to use in the kitchen

    I got this to be able to video chat w/ my grandmother after she moved out of state . While she doesnt get around t using for video chats that much she still very much likes everything else that she can figure out how to do .I own the next up and checked out hers before sending it . It was very easy to make an account if you already don’t have one .I found that the touch screen is pretty responsive but it can be a little slow t times. The 3rd gen made better use and the response time is a lot better than the 2nd gen 8 .Youtube and the video and streaming option is great and a lot faster than the earlier modelsThe Camera is a lot better w/ placement and the camera offers better view and definitionMy fav thing to do w/ this is use while cooking and making meals . you can find out so many different ideas and recipes and set timers and even listen to music or a podcast while you are making a meal .The Echo Show series has So many uses There is always something to do or learn

    A 4 personas les resultó útil

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  11. Chris

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Exceeded expectations

    Easy to set up and so handy to have in my kitchen. It displays current time and temperature. I decided to try Amazon Music for 30 days also. It displays the song and artist that is playing.

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  12. Steven T. Fink

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Perfect size

    It’s fits perfectly on the shelf that I put it on. It takes a while to set it up the way I wanted it because it was doing things I didn’t want at times, such as answer mode where it would listen and answer even though I wasn’t asking it anything.

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  13. Sunny Gal

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great Echo!

    Love it. Replaced original Echo. Love the screen. Love all the features. I now have 3. 2 5’s and one 8. Highly recommend it.

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  14. Mr. William L. Stgeorge

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Terrific sound !!

    I’m very impressed by the sound .. it’s real stereo which makes a ton of difference. Convenient as hell for quick recipe videos, weather, seeing music artists etc.

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  15. David L. Thompson

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Color Coordination

    Use this Echo 8 as part of my home surveillance system. Love everything about it EXCEPT, I purchased a black unit and it came with a white cord…bad look but it works.

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  16. Mountedsailor

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Easy to read, and with normal Alexa responsiveness

    I enjoy having upgraded from the 5 inch Echo. The bigger visuals are great and it is handy to have in the kitchen. Also am using the built in Zigbee hub with some older Sengled bulbs and it is nice not to have to haul out the old hub to make them work.

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  17. Amazon_Customer

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    The draw back is the annoying ads

    Only gave 4 stars because of the annoying ads that I can’t remove. There should be an option to disable it or at less if you are a prime member you have option to do so. Beside that, overall the echo show 8 (3rd gen) is a great buy.

    A 11 personas les resultó útil

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  18. Gloria

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    I like it! I think…..

    I want to set up my Home Screen to look like the screen in the ad. There’s so much that I don’t know. Learning slowly.

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  19. Wuinibeth

    5.0 de 5 estrellas


    Que se puede decir de este dispositivo!! Excelente estoy cada día descubriendo mas cosas sobre el cada día .muy buen sonido lo amo ! 🥰

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  20. Jayparil B. Kumasamayamantrikatautilsrivastavay

    3.0 de 5 estrellas

    Simply Unpredictable: Love the device, excellent speaker, needs FuboTV & other app support

    Amazon Alexa is both the most versatile and the most quirky/useless product platform I’ve ever worked with. I love the fact that I can teach it skills and create highly customized routines. But it is like people sitting in three different worlds wrote the interface. I can say something one day and it does exactly what I want. The next day I say it the same way but it has no idea what I’m talking about.I love the Sugarmate skill because it will tell me my blood glucose from Dexcom when I don’t have my phone near me.I think they wasted a lot of time with skills based around sophomores sounds. Saw the routines around coughing are brilliant. It seems like the Alexa team is struggling to find real life application for some of the capabilities of product family has.I have a routine that automatically plays my church service on Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. It’s using the exact same routine that has not been changed. It starts off by setting the volume level then it searches a table for the URL of the website. It even has a WAIT command which allows it to not get interrupted by other functions for the hour and 30 minutes that we’re having service.CMost weeks it works fine. Then one week it will start talking about something called Hey Vickie and doesn’t work at all. I suspect Vickie is in there somewhere, but Alexa says itdoesn’t recognize it at all. Everything about the routine is exactly the same as the previous week! It is the weirdest, quirkiest thing I’ve ever seen.Bing Open Web is the same way. The same exact set of instructions yield different results from day to day. It’s the only place on a computer I have ever seen this.I have a routine that plays sleep sounds using Ambient Visions. Once ambient visions opens, Alexa will no longer accept commands unless you say, Alexa, Go home, first. Even Alexa’s voice is different once my sleep sounds routine commences.I have a fubotv subscription but the show devices will not run the fubotv app. It starts going into Adobe and will not work.I love the speaker on the device. The touch screen is excellent. It almost always responds. It does seem like the device should have a reset button or on off switch. Base response is unbelievable if it comes on and I’m someplace else in the house. At the same time, some days I love it’s capabilities and others I want to throw it out of the window!Echo Show Rocks!Echo Show Sucks.It really just depends on the day.

    A 11 personas les resultó útil

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  21. PinkPrimary

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Excellent Addition to My Smart Home

    The latest Echo Show has seamlessly integrated into my smart home setup, offering an immersive entertainment experience that surpasses expectations. Its HD touchscreen and spatial audio technology elevate the viewing and listening experience, making streaming content from various services a delight. However, its app ecosystem remains somewhat limited compared to other platforms, lacking the extensive range of third-party apps and games found on similar devices.The enhanced video calling capabilities of the Echo Show are another standout feature, providing crisp and clear communication through its high-quality camera and noise reduction technology. Whether making hands-free calls using voice commands or utilizing the convenient call widget, the device simplifies the process, ensuring that staying in touch with loved ones is effortless. Yet, the presence of a camera and microphone in the home raises understandable privacy concerns. While the Echo Show includes privacy controls such as a mic/camera off button and a built-in camera shutter, some users may still feel uneasy about the device’s always-on nature.By acting as a smart home hub, the Echo Show’s integration expands its usefulness and eliminates the need for extra hubs for the easy pairing and operation of connected devices. My everyday routines have been simplified by being able to control lights, cameras, and other smart devices with voice commands or the user-friendly touchscreen display. A personal touch is also added to the gadget by features like digital photo frame mode and adaptive content, which highlight treasured memories. Its sustainability initiatives, such as the use of packaging made with ethically sourced materials and recycled materials, emphasize its dedication to environmental responsibility even further.In conclusion, while the latest Echo Show offers an exceptional blend of entertainment, communication, and smart home functionality, it’s not without its drawbacks. The limited app ecosystem and lingering privacy concerns may give some users pause. Nonetheless, its overall performance, thoughtful design, and sustainability efforts make it a valuable addition to any modern home. For those seeking to elevate their digital lifestyle with immersive entertainment and convenient smart home control, the Echo Show remains a compelling choice.

    A 8 personas les resultó útil

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  22. AmazonoholicAmazonoholic

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    More powerful than my old Show 5

    The hardware does seam more powerful than previous models. My Show 5 could not stream media from my plex server via the Silk browser without shuddering. This streams 1080p media just fine. I do not have 4K content so can’t speak to that. The more powerful hardware is a welcome change. Going to pair with a battery base to make this a portable movie player around the house.Original review: It’s bigger than my show 5… not sure what else to say about it. It does sound better than my show 5 due to its bigger speakers but somehow it suffers badly with the low end of music. Every echo device I’ve owned has had no bass. Does fine on highs and mids. Screen is bright and clear and obviously is a better image quality than my show 5.

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  23. BackupBob

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    A well-designed and well implemented device but…

    It is amazing how much value Amazon packs into the Echo Show. Sound quality is good and you can play music or other contents at all locations with one stream, meaning a clean transition from room to room.The Echo Show’s biggest fault is with the content it displays. To set it up to your liking requires turning off dozens of options, such as sports scores, weather, shopping suggestions, etc. I would love to be able to toggle all content off and turn on the few items I want rather than opting out of dozens of them.Even with the content turned off the Echo will decide to show Alexa hints or sponsored messages from “Dismiss”. I set my units to night mode from 22:00 to 21:59, meaning all content should be held but even so, when give a command the Echo will display Alexa hints followed by ads. It will light up a dark room for several minutes as it flashes ads on and off.One other issue is a feature called Picture in Picture, or PiP, which displays secondary content in a small window rather than pre-empting what is displayed. When my Ring doorbells announce motion has been detected the Ring video displays and then shrinks, yielding to a screen showing a bird on a twig with a message advising motion was detected. There does not appear to be a way to fix this. Tapping on the PiP display is supposed to turn on a larger display but it does not do so. Besides, how do you tap a screen ten feet away when you are in bed?The Echo Show is one of the neatest gadgets I have seen in years. The flawed Ring integration is a problem for us but I have found some work-arounds. Amazon’s penchant for displaying ads and unrequested content is another matter.I was not aware when I bought three Echo Shows that we would be hosting three advertising machines. It cheapens an otherwise excellent device and it does not exactly endear me to Amazon.

    A 40 personas les resultó útil

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  24. Kim

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Exactly What I Wanted – AD Free No ADS

    I just got this today but it is exactly what I wanted and expected. I was looking for something to keep in the kitchen that would give me all the features of my Echo Dot but also allow me to stream shows and movies while I’m in the kitchen cooking. Very few disappointments one is that I can’t stream Apple TV but I wasn’t really expecting to be able to it just would been nice.I was nervous that there would be ads because the fire tablet I had didn’t allow me to personalize the Home Screen and all it had was ads. I got even more nervous when I saw one user’s review about it. However I found that all you need to do is go to settings display and then home content and decide what you want to see. Other than that the only ads I see are the ones on people video since I don’t pay for the ad free content.

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  25. Amazon Customer

    4.0 de 5 estrellas


    At first it seemed easy to set up. Amazon even sent me an email preparing for the setup. Unfortunately the only thing they left out was that there is a microphone needed to use the camera. I kept getting a message when I tried to use the camera. and it was unclear how to fix it. I called Amazon help desk and They were not helpful.. They gave me another number for the “echo team” and the number they gave me was no longer in use and directed me to the webpage. So I fiddled around with it myself. The Echo “TAKES” the image, but IT CAN ONLY BE VIEWED ON YOUR PHONE (or tablet) that has the Alexa App on it. You must go into the Alexa App on your phone(s) and select the permissions you want to grant for each app (ie camera & microphone) Hope this helps.

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  26. Jessie Berger

    5.0 de 5 estrellas


    I never had an interest in owning an Alexa device, but I bought this Echo show so that we receive notifications from our Ring camera and doorbell without having to have our phone on us all the time. And It works wonderful!!! She makes announcements when there is a person seen in either device and it automatically starts showing love footage! This is exactly what I bought this thing to do! I am so excited! This Echo show has unexpectedly replaced the radio I had on my countertop and I can now listen to radio stations and Spotify with great sound quality! I also like asking her for recipes and picking out a recipe to display and the screen stays up until you tell it to close!

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  27. Nicole

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Was on the fence about this

    I swore I’d never own something I had to talk to. I just wasn’t that technology type of girl. Although, I saw this during Amazon Prime days and thought I’d give it a try. I wanted something for my kitchen. I enjoy listening to music or shows while cooking or cleaning.Are the ads annoying? Yeah, but so far I just can overlook them.This is such a cool product…I can connect to YoutubeTV, Netflix or simply ask for a specific song to hear. I think the grocery list thing is convenient. Especially since it’s placed in the kitchen. I won’t use everything it has to offer. The features I need are fantastic…sound is great too. Even my husband is curious about it. That says a lot!

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  28. Mary Dicosola

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Amazing Product!!

    I LOVE my new Amazon Echo 8 3rd generation. I had the Google Nest but without the screen. Google provided a lot of information to us over the years, but time for upgrade. Sorry Google, time to retire! We are still getting use to Alexa, sometimes slip & call her Google, oops! Now getting all the accessories to go along. Just ordered the battery pack. Got the stand & got a smart plug! Oh so exciting! Love listening to my music on Alexa, she even remembers my favorite stations & songs. So much more to explore….

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  29. Shashi

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    This is an amazing device to keep in touch with family

    I love this device for the drop-in feature that you can use to have a conversation with parents in another city or country. I love the Ai in this device that the camera moves with the person so that if they are taking to you while doing their household chores, the camera follows them ( This can be turned off) You can watch the news from the Amazon Live local stations and also your favorite music from Amazon Music. The browser helps me use it to connect to YouTube if I wanted to. The microphone is amazing and picks up even far away sounds. This is a good size screen.

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  30. luv2grow

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great for Mom

    The Echo Show 8 has been a valuable tool for keeping my mom, who has dementia, connected and engaged, especially when her partner is away. She responds well to visual communication, and this device helps her remember us better. The “drop-in” feature is fantastic for checking in, providing her with company, and offering us peace of mind. We also appreciate the ability to turn it off to protect their privacy. It’s been a thoughtful addition to her care routine.

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  31. Wisconsin Customer

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Doesn’t hear well over white noise

    It works well, but I have to be honest. It sometimes gets frustrating when it doesn’t hear me but the other Alexa devices in my house hear me in another room. This tends to happen when the sink is running or if there is some other type of white noise in the kitchen. The speaker sound is pretty good and works when I ask it to “ Play everywhere” So I can listen to music across all of my Alexa devices and all of my rooms kind of like in-home surroundsound. It will not play “ Everywhere” With my Sonos speaker, however.

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  32. Danny C

    5.0 de 5 estrellas


    My mother is 93 and blind. This allows her to call me and other family members without dialing a phone and she can call for help the same way. I have it placed so, I can see the floor in her room in case she has fallen. I have only had it place a week and it has already proven to be a great tool. She also uses it to play her favorite music as well as telling her the time, news and weather.

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  33. Jaedon poulard

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Everyone should buy this

    This is great it’s good for entertainment while doing dishes, but doesn’t take too much space the volume for the music is great too and there are sooo many features to connect with other apps like admin your home or FaceTime calls. It’s definitely worth the money for the quality of the item.

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  34. CJV

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great birthday gift

    I bought this for my daughter’s birthday and she loves it. She uses it every day. She has it in her kitchen where she is a lot of the time; she plays music, watches videos, she looks up recipes, checks the weather, It helps her with simple tasks and makes her day better. The seller of this product was very fast with shipping, and It was affordable.

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  35. Roy Burtrum

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Alexa is an amazing assistant to me.

    This product controls just about everything in my Home, lights, security systems, robot vacuums, the list goes on forever. It is a very high-quality product and worth every penny that I paid for it. I have highly recommend this product to all of my family and friends.

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    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Echo show 8

    This is a very good item for what I need it for . I would recommend it to others . However , the one sent to me is a used item which was not noticed until I was setting it up for my actual use . I need a discount because of it .

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  37. Khristiep

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Big and bulky but fun

    I took this with me on vacation to a rented house so that we could listen to music and control it from the pool. It was great when I could get it to work right, but sometimes had trouble connecting with the visiting Wi-Fi. It was very difficult to travel with. Would be great to just sit on the back porch at home

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  38. Kindle Customer

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great “Smart Hub” for your house, and it can talk like a pirate!

    I picked up the Echo Show 8 as a hub for installing smart devices around the house. In combination with Amazon smart thermostat, blink doorbell and security cameras, as well as other smart devices to control various features of the house it does great. The Echo Show 8 makes a great single point to control them all. Add in some Echo Pops around the house, it all ties in together, and you also get music streaming through the whole house (or where ever you have a pop setup). In hindsight, I should have picked up the Echo Show 15 as a central hub, but this works just as good and a bit cheaper too.

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  39. Sarah C Shoff

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Love this

    Love this! I have 2 older generation dots already, got this one as a main unit for my living room so I can intercom with the others in my kids room and main bedroom. Great for setting reminders and alarms for the kids. Love listening to music or looking up recipes. When it’s not being used it functions great as a digital frame. Cute, screen is decent size but doesn’t take up too much space. Great entertainment for any age in the family!

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  40. Stephanie

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    What a great fit for my home!

    I have wanted one for awhile and finally bought. I have about 6 “simple” Alexa’s around my house and this one is now in my kitchen for helping with recipes and such. My kids are even using it to look at weather and such! It’s small enough to not be akward in the counter yet big enough to show me what I want!

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  41. Ron C

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Much faster than my 1st generation and better video and audio.

    When calling another echo device of the same generation, you see what capabilities this model has to offer- first hand! It automatically adjusts focus, zoom levels and audio as it follows the person or pet that’s in camera. Sharp, clear display, great color and excellent sound quality.

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  42. C_Lem

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Love it!

    This is my first echo show that I’ve owned and I absolutely love it. I have several other Amazon products and it works with them seamlessly. Love seeing the lyrics for music and checking my ring cameras on it. Great purchase.

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  43. Rob

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Built very strong

    Good sound. A lot of options. I had trouble at first setting it up. The screen would not change not could I get to settings. I did a hard boot and it works fine now.

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  44. MaintMOM

    4.0 de 5 estrellas


    Alexa in your life, I think she is always listening to you, but it’s very nice having her in the kitchen

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  45. Panache

    5.0 de 5 estrellas


    I like the screen size and the fact that I can enjoy not only music but recipes, latest news, use it as a timer, suggestions for music, and so much more. Very happy with it.

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  46. Morris Schwaber

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Picture quallity.

    Paired with my phone, wet on a trip and called my with and had a wonderful PICTURE/CONVERSATION with her! Picture quallity was GREAT! It should have come with the adjustable stand. (I bought one a week later!)

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  47. HFL

    5.0 de 5 estrellas


    I upgraded from an older Echo Show that still works great. This new Echo Show 8 was super easy to set up. Just opened the app on my phone, plugged the show in and done, well, just some minor system settings to fine tune but that is all personal preference stuff. And on big difference, I can now connect my home stereo via bluetooth to it, that is a huge plus. The only bug I wish they would correct is when you have security cameras paired with it and ask to show xxxx camera, you get this tiny picture in a picture. I have yet to figure out how to tell Alexa to maximize the picture. The only way I have found is to get up, and go over to touch the icon to extend the image to full screen. There are many posts online from folks that have found the magic commands to get Alexa to show full screen by voice but, as yet, I have not found any of those commands to work on mine. For me, and I imagine a lot of other folks that are complaining about the same issue, the default should be full screen, then have a command to go picture in picture. Other than that, one issue I really like the Echo Show 8, oh, and the sliding camera lens cover is great. So, I can either close the lens and still have voice, or visa-versa, or turn off mic and close camera. My older Echo Show has one button to disable mic and camera together, as far as you know that is. With the sliding lens cover the lens is blocked and you can see it is blocked when the lens door closes, unless they have some new tech that still allows the camera to see through it, you never know these days.

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  48. Nancy E Nordstrom

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Perfect in the kitchen

    Thoroughly enjoying and keep finding fun things with it. Have echoes in all rooms of the house and this one is a great addition.

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  49. DaytonaDan

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Faster, greatly improved camera, good sound

    …compared to first gen model I had before. Faster response to voice commads.But the biggest improvement is for those who use the Echo 8 for video calls. The person getting the call sees a much sharper, more dynamic picture than with Gen 1 Echo 8. Using the new “auto frame” feature, the camera actually pans and zoom to keep you in frame as you move around. Follows you to where ever you move, within the limited panning abilities of this camera, probably about 45 degrees. Somehow knows where you are, presumably from voice or maybe movement, and follows you. Pretty slick.Sound quality is pretty good on music (via Amazon Music) , but you have to crank it up way louder than normal voice levels for Alexa. Otherwise music is barely above a whisper. Good balance across all frequences with decent bass, given how small it is.This thing is pricey but can be a very good buy if you find it on sale and have and older model to trade-in. The Amazon trade-in program is nearly effortless and great way to update old tech.

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  50. R. Myers

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Over-all a nice device to add to your home.

    A couple of things that I’m skeptical about this device is that it seems to have a mind of it’s own, first of all it changes the volume on it’s own, and seems to sound off alarms when you don’t want it to, maybe it’s just the way I’m programming it, if I can get these 2 glitches ironed out, I would have given it 5 stars.

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  51. Heather L.

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Love my Echo Show 8!

    Super easy to set up. Took all of maybe 10 minutes even with an update. Sound quality is awesome. Super nice looking, clear crisp picture, great value and superb quality. Easy to connect cameras, smart appliances, smart bulbs, etc. Don’t know what I did before this! Perfect size for any room too.

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  52. Samantha Ferrari

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    A Game Changer for My Husband’s Office!

    I bought the Echo Show 8 (3rd Gen, 2023 release) for my husband’s office, and it has been an absolute game changer! Versatile Assistant: He uses it to watch movies, TS shows, browse recipes, and listen to music – all with ease. Great Display: The screen quality is fantastic, perfect for video calls or watching quick tutorials. Enhanced Productivity: It helps him stay organized and connected without interrupting his workflow.He loves how it has seamlessly integrated into his daily routine. Highly recommend for anyone looking to boost productivity and add a touch of convenience!

    A 13 personas les resultó útil

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  53. JaimeJaime

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    The All-new Echo Show 8 (3rd Gen, 2023) Sets the Standard for Smart Home Excellence

    The All-new Echo Show 8 (3rd Gen, 2023) is an absolute game-changer for anyone seeking the pinnacle of smart home technology. This device seamlessly combines cutting-edge features with environmental consciousness, earning it a well-deserved 5-star rating.Entertainment Excellence:The 8″ HD touchscreen and spatial audio elevate the entertainment experience to new heights. Whether watching videos on Prime Video, Netflix, or enjoying content from Fire TV Channels, the vibrant display and immersive spatial audio make every moment a pleasure. The inclusion of high-quality sound and a 13 MP camera significantly enhances video calling, providing crisp visuals and clear, lifelike sound.Smart Home Integration:The built-in smart home hub makes this Echo Show 8 the central command center for my smart home. It effortlessly pairs and controls devices compatible with Zigbee, Matter, and Thread, eliminating the need for a separate smart home hub. Managing lights, cameras, and other devices using either the touchscreen or voice commands has never been more intuitive. I use this device daily to control all my smart devices with a single voice command, providing a level of convenience that’s truly unparalleled. The abundance of Alexa options further enhances the control and customization possibilities.Effortless Connectivity:The device supports connectivity via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, ensuring a seamless user experience. The setup process is a breeze, and the Echo Show 8 quickly becomes the nerve center of your connected life. Its speed and responsiveness are truly impressive, reflecting Amazon’s commitment to delivering a top-notch product.Live Communication Brilliance:The Echo Show 8 excels in live communication, providing hands-free video calls using voice commands. The new Top Connections widget simplifies the calling process with just a tap. The auto-framing camera and noise reduction technology contribute to more natural and engaging video conversations.Easy to Show Memories:The integration of Amazon Photos on the Echo Show 8 makes it incredibly easy to showcase cherished memories. The adaptive color feature ensures that your memories look great in any light, adding a personal touch to your living space. The facial recognition feature further enhances the ease of navigating through these special moments.Daily Convenience:I use this device daily, and its handiness and responsiveness have made it an indispensable part of my routine. Its intuitive controls and quick access to information make it a joy to use regularly.Family-Friendly:Not only is the Echo Show 8 convenient for me, but it has become a favorite among my family members. Its user-friendly interface and versatility cater to everyone’s needs, from the youngest to the oldest. It has truly become a communal device that brings us together.Environmental Consciousness:Designed for sustainability, this Echo Show 8 is made from 29% recycled materials, and its packaging is 99% wood fiber-based from responsibly managed forests or recycled sources. Amazon’s commitment to environmental responsibility is commendable.Overall:The All-new Echo Show 8 (3rd Gen, 2023) in Glacier White is a testament to Amazon’s dedication to innovation, performance, and sustainability. Its exceptional sound quality, sleek appearance, ease of setup, rapid performance, daily convenience, family-friendliness, and overall value make it a must-have for those looking to elevate their smart home experience. This device truly sets the standard for excellence in the smart home market.

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  54. Jason S.

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Ads, Ads, Ads

    I bought this thinking it would work as a nice hub for my security camera system and to get me to finally commit to buying Amazon devices for my home.I am now thinking that I made a huge mistake. I want to like this, but it’s terrible. It’s very slow to respond and nonstop ads and unnecessary visual items like sports or news.I wish I had not purchased this and instead got something Apple or Google based.I imagine that this negative feeling is factored into the fact that they’re pumping tons of ads into households across the country, so for those less bothered it will satisfy Amazon’s desire to earn advertisement revenue, but the execution is poor.The laggy device means I’ll never select an advertisement or care. Secondly, I don’t want to see ads in my kitchen. Finally, if this feature was more controllable and the device more customizable, then maybe, but it’s not.I’m only keeping it until I find something better and then I’ll never buy another Amazon smart home product againThe device’s main purpose is to show you ads and to listen to your conversations, identify things inside your home that you use or might need. It’s secondary purpose is to serve as a slideshow for photos, sports, and news. The clock and weather are tertiary and anything else comes after those aforementioned tasks.I’m only giving it five stars so that my review isn’t buried. It’s more of a 3 stars if it was customizable, and 4 stars if it wasn’t laggy, but it’s really 2 stars because of the ads. Sounds great, looks good, but slow and full of ads.

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  55. I.M. Anamazoner

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Malfunctioning Display Problem

    No se pudo cargar el archivo multimedia.

    Riddle: What do you call an “Echo Show 8” when its display isn’t working? -You call it simply an “expensive Echo 8”!I’ve had the display on my new Show 8 (gen. 3) stop working twice in the 3 weeks I’ve owned and used it. Since this is not my first Echo Show (I’ve owned 5 of them over the last 4 years, including the 3 I still have now), and I know this display problem is not normal. A reboot (unplugging then replugging in the electrical power) restored the display the first time. This second occurrence of the problem left me concerned: how often can I expect this issue to resurface, and does it just indicate a hardware defect in my unit? So I made the accompanying video so that you could see what I’m referring to.It turns out that telling Alexa to “Turn Off display” while it’s having this malfunction (while the display is black and the Display is non-responsive but while the device still responds audibly) And then saying “Alexa” (the wake word) restored the display and its responsiveness (to touch and verbal commands).But I don’t think that’s a permanent fix.Amazon customer support did advise toggling off the Auto Sleep setting in the device. This might be an acknowledgement of a software bug in that feature, but if it is, it’s not afflicting my other Show (a current generation Show 10) that’s using Auto Sleep.Except for the above, I do like my third generation Show 8 for the quality of its sound, responsiveness, overall utility (alarms, podcast-listening, news briefs, clock, timers, display of weather conditions, calendar events, home automation of smart lights and smart plugs for fans/+, hours and phone numbers of local retailers, etc.), and the display – when it’s functioning properly!My Show 8 (gen. 3) did have one other problem during my first 3 weeks of using it: Increasingly, I needed to repeat the wake word (“Alexa”) to get the Show 8’s attention. So I positioned my other Show 8 (gen. 1) near it on the same table and asked them both the same question – first the new “gen. 3” Show 8, then the “gen 1” Show 8 (which uses “Echo” as it’s wake word). Then I listened to the Voice Activity in the Alexa app on my phone. There was considerable Distortion in the new “gen. 3” Show 8’s recording, while the recording of the old (gen. 1) was remarkably clear. The short story is that Amazon customer support recommended the obligatory reboot, and that “fixed” it – for now, at least. (There was a theory that there may have been an external cause, but my testing has been unable to find evidence of that.)

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  56. Lynn Russell

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Attractive with Sharp Picture and Great Options

    The first thing I liked was the easy set-up. This may have been in part because I have several other Echo Shows online already. The screen is sharp, the sound is clear and the footprint is not too big (not too small, either). There are many features. It will take me awhile to learn them. But there are a lot of tips on the unit’s features and how to use them in the unit itself, which is helpful. I am pleased with this updated Echo Show.

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  57. Ron P

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great addition to my growing Alexa family.

    First of all, I like the high definition display. Considering the cost of the unit, it provides decent video quality. Not as good as my $750 Samsung Galaxy tablet or my two recently added quantum dot Fire TV’s but for the price of $150, it’s a sharp display with pretty good contrast and definition. It integrated very nicely with my Echo Dot with clock and my Fire TV’S. I am going to now add a video doorbell and maybe a remote wireless entry lock 🔒. The sound quality is pretty nice with plenty of bass and adequate trebel with the built-in spatial circuitry.I highly recommend the Echo Show 8 for automation of your home 🏡

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  58. donnac96donnac96

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    I love this alexa. Its touch screen

    I ordered this for my kitchen so i ca listen to music while cooking to keep me going. I love this that its touch screen plus its a nice size screen the quality is great value is awesome music is fantastic been listening to olies.brightness id Great the entertainment value its awesome i highly recommend. Its very useful. Its a must have.

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  59. TXgungirl

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Bought these to help ME not Amazon

    I’ve had an echo since the beta days. Normally I wouldn’t mind an ad here and there but the nature of the advertising has changed. I have a couple of fire tablets where I paid to have ads removed. This is not a permanent thing (supposed to be) and having to see ads constantly brought into my home unsolicited on the last 2 Echo Shows I bought is too much. It has finally led me to unplug my echos and fully switch to Nest. Just want to say thanks Amazon for ever increasing hassle of advertisements on your devices. Oh yes and for basically showing your very loyal customers just how much y’all “care.”. I have every Amazon device made but I’m just done. I buy EVERYTHING thru Amazon. There are some ads that I might find helpful but can also be irritating. Prime example of that is printer ink. But that makes absolute sense, right? But when I come home after a long day and see I have notifications on my devices my first thought these days is always “ok how did Amazon mess up my order this time (because y’all are getting really good at that.) And then when I ask about the notification it tells me that I’m running low on CANDY. Are you guys for real? I get this is a computer program but someone writes this stuff.I should add that my frustration with this advertising is only a symptom of a much larger aggravation. Someone there at Amazon is getting very bold and rude with their ideas. Combine the irritation from the constant ads with Amazon’s new shipping changes… infuriating. We just had a hurricane that knocked out our power for a week. The ONLY way to connect to the internet required me to drive to a local store to get a better cell signal (not WiFi). I am fully responsible for my elderly parents now and I was trying to get power supply items sent. I was absolutely blown away that despite being a prime customer since the very beginning everything I looked at showed a 4 day shipping wait. The small generator I did buy from Amazon got here overnight but to think that I was going to have to wait for 4 days almost triggered an absolute nervous breakdown. So it really is amazing the gen got here in less than a day but the emotional nightmare; not sure it’s worth it.So at this point it’s become clear that the prime program has completely stopped caring for its customers. I’m thoroughly disgusted and feel completely crapped on by Amazon. You guys finally pushed it way too far. I’m hoping that at the very least my cell manufacturer has improved their unlimited music. I’m really gonna hate not having my prime music. It’s also going to take a while to untangle myself from Amazon.I absolutely positively will NOT pay Amazon to bring me ads or to stop them.Thank you again for the emotional nightmare journey and leaving your most loyal customers in the dirt.

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  60. Kelly Lienemann

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Echo Show 8 (3rd Gen, 2023) – A Smart Home Masterpiece

    The All-new Echo Show 8 (3rd Gen, 2023) is a standout in smart home technology, offering a seamless blend of advanced features and eco-friendly design.Entertainment Excellence:Featuring an 8″ HD touchscreen and spatial audio, the Echo Show 8 transforms your entertainment experience. Streaming on Prime Video, Netflix, or Fire TV Channels is vibrant and immersive, with crisp visuals and rich, clear sound. The 13 MP camera enhances video calls, delivering sharp, lifelike images and audio.Smart Home Integration:This Echo Show 8 serves as the ultimate smart home hub, effortlessly managing devices compatible with Zigbee, Matter, and Thread. With simple voice commands or touchscreen controls, you can easily oversee lights, cameras, and more, making home automation intuitive and efficient. Alexa’s robust options provide extensive control and customization, simplifying daily routines.Effortless Connectivity:Connectivity via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi ensures a smooth user experience. Setup is quick and straightforward, turning the Echo Show 8 into the central command of your connected life. Its responsiveness and speed reflect Amazon’s commitment to excellence.Live Communication Brilliance:Hands-free video calls are a breeze with the Echo Show 8. The Top Connections widget streamlines the process, while the auto-framing camera and noise reduction technology enhance the quality of your conversations, making them more natural and engaging.Memory Showcase:Amazon Photos integration allows you to easily display cherished memories. The adaptive color feature ensures your photos look great in any lighting, and facial recognition simplifies navigating through your photo collection.Daily Convenience:The Echo Show 8 has become an indispensable part of my daily routine. Its intuitive controls and quick access to information make it a pleasure to use regularly, enhancing convenience and efficiency.Family-Friendly:With its user-friendly interface, the Echo Show 8 caters to all family members, from kids to seniors. It’s a communal device that everyone enjoys and finds easy to operate.Environmental Consciousness:Built with 29% recycled materials and packaged in 99% wood fiber-based materials from responsibly managed forests, the Echo Show 8 reflects Amazon’s commitment to sustainability.Overall:The Echo Show 8 (3rd Gen, 2023) in Glacier White exemplifies Amazon’s dedication to innovation and sustainability. With exceptional sound quality, sleek design, ease of use, and impressive performance, it’s a must-have for anyone looking to elevate their smart home experience. This device sets a new standard for smart home technology.Pros:Vibrant 8″ HD touchscreen and spatial audioSuperior smart home integration with Zigbee, Matter, and Thread supportQuick and easy setup with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivityHigh-quality video calls with auto-framing and noise reductionEasy photo display with adaptive color and facial recognitionUser-friendly and family-orientedEco-conscious design and packaging

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