

Amazon Alexa Echo Show 5 (3.ª generación) | Pantalla inteligente más 1 foco inteligente


(60 valoraciones de clientes)
Alexa tiene mucho que mostrarte
  •  Echo Show 5 incluye una pantalla de 5.5” donde puedes ver las noticias y el clima de un vistazo.
  •  Escucha tu música favorita, series, pódcast y más en Amazon Music, Spotify, Prime Video, entre otros.
  •  Controla dispositivos inteligentes compatibles como luces y termostatos, incluso cuando estés fuera de casa.
  •  Revisa cómo está tu familia, tus mascotas y más usando la cámara integrada.
  •  Configura el dispositivo para que muestre tus fotos favoritas cuando no esté en uso.
  •  Usa la cámara de 2 MP para llamar a familiares y amigos que tienen la app de Alexa
  •  Diseñado para proteger tu privacidad
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Sobre este articulo:

  • Alexa tiene mucho que mostrarte – Echo Show 5 incluye una pantalla de 5.5” donde puedes ver las noticias y el clima de un vistazo, hacer videollamadas, consultar el video de cámaras compatibles, reproducir música y series, entre otras cosas.
  • Tamaño pequeño con gran sonido – Escucha tu música favorita, series, pódcast y más en Amazon Music, Spotify, Prime Video, entre otros. Ahora cuenta con mayor profundidad de graves y mejor nitidez de voz. Incluye una pantalla de 5.5” para que veas series, títulos de canciones y mucho más de un vistazo.
  • Mantén tu casa acogedora – Controla dispositivos inteligentes compatibles como luces y termostatos, incluso cuando estés fuera de casa.
  • Campo de visión más amplio con la cámara integrada – Revisa cómo está tu familia, tus mascotas y más usando la cámara integrada. Haz Drop In en tu casa cuando estés fuera o ve la puerta principal desde tu Echo Show 5 con video timbres compatibles.
  • Ve tus fotos en pantalla — Configura el dispositivo para que muestre tus fotos favoritas cuando no esté en uso. Invita a tu familia y amigos a compartir fotos en tu Echo Show. Los miembros Prime también obtienen almacenamiento de fotos en la nube de manera ilimitada.
  • Videollamadas para conectar con tus seres queridos – Usa la cámara de 2 MP para llamar a familiares y amigos que tienen la app de Alexa o un dispositivo Echo con pantalla. Envía comunicados a otros dispositivos compatibles en tu casa.
  • Diseñado para proteger tu privacidad – Amazon no se dedica a vender tu información personal a otros. Cuenta con varias capas de controles de privacidad, incluyendo un botón para desactivar los micrófonos y la cámara, así como una cubierta integrada para la cámara.
  • Diseño sustentable – El 100% de la tela de este dispositivo es hilo de poliéster reciclado posconsumo y el 100% del aluminio es aluminio reciclado. El empaque del dispositivo es 100% reciclable.

Tamaño pequeño con muchas funciones

Echo Show 5 incluye una pantalla de 5.5” donde puedes ver las noticias y el clima de un vistazo, hacer videollamadas, consultar el video de cámaras compatibles, reproducir música y series, entre otras cosas. Además, puedes establecer alarmas y timers con la voz, así como crear rutinas para que puedas optimizar tu día.

Tu contenido favorito suena aún mejor

El Echo Show 5 incluye calidad de audio mejorada que emite voces más nítidas, graves más profundos y produce un sonido vibrante. Solo pídele a Alexa que ponga música, un pódcast, audiolibros o tus series favoritas para disfrutar de una experiencia de audio más dinámica. Más información sobre las opciones de entretenimiento con Alexa.

Mantén un ambiente acogedor en tu casa

Nuestro Echo Show 5 más rápido acelera las respuestas de Alexa para que puedas controlar con rapidez tu Smart Home, como apagar luces compatibles en tu casa sin levantarte de la cama. También puedes programar rutinas o incluso iniciarlas con tu movimiento. Cuando entres a una habitación, se puede encender la lámpara o comenzar a reproducir música, así de simple. Obtén más información sobre las distintas formas de conectar tu dispositivo de Smart Home.

Luz Enchufe inteligente CerraduraTermostatoVentilador

Video timbre

Monitorea tu casa cuando quieras

Usa la cámara integrada para ver cómo está tu familia, tus mascotas y más, incluso cuando estés fuera. Ve la puerta principal desde tu Echo Show 5 con video timbres compatibles.

Mantén la comunicación con familiares y amigos

Haz videollamadas a manos libres con familiares, amigos y colegas que tienen un Echo Show o la app de Alexa. Envía comunicados a dispositivos Echo compatibles en tu casa y utiliza Drop In como un intercomunicador entre habitaciones o con tus contactos Alexa favoritos.

Presume tus fotos

Usa Amazon Photos para convertir la pantalla de Inicio en un marco digital, donde puedes mostrar tus fotos con otro contenido o como una presentación de diapositivas. Los miembros Prime también obtienen almacenamiento de fotos en la nube de manera ilimitada.

“Alexa, muestra las fotos de mis vacaciones”.

Alexa para toda la familia; incluso para los niños

Aprende, juega y crea

Alexa puede ayudar a que los niños aprendan y se desarrollen mientras se divierten. Gracias al control parental gratuito de Amazon Kids, Alexa dará respuestas aptas para niños, filtrará letras de canciones explícitas y bloqueará las compras. La privacidad de los niños es importante para nosotros. Descubre cómo los niños pueden usar Alexa, consulta videos instructivos útiles, obtén respuestas de preguntas frecuentes y más.

Explora Amazon Kids+

Haz clic aquí para empezar tu período de prueba gratuita de un mes. Amazon Kids+ es una suscripción integral que desbloquea contenido apto para niños, como miles de horas de videos, juegos interactivos, Skills educativas y libros Audible desde $4.99 al mes.

Diseñado para proteger tu privacidad

Alexa y los dispositivos Echo Show se crearon con varias capas de protección de privacidad. Incluyen un botón para desactivar los micrófonos y la cámara, una cubierta integrada para bloquear la cámara y también pueden eliminar las grabaciones de voz, de manera que tengas transparencia y control sobre tu experiencia con Alexa. Más información sobre cómo funcionan Alexa y los dispositivos Echo.

Fácil de usar y de configurar

Este dispositivo se puede configurar antes de que llegue usando del código QR que te enviaremos por e-mail.

Paso 1

Enchufa el Echo Show 5.

Paso 2

Conéctate a internet desde
el Echo Show 5.

Paso 3

Pídele a Alexa que te ponga música, diga el clima, noticias y más.

Diseño sustentable

Hacemos que nuestros dispositivos sean más sustentables: desde cómo los manufacturamos hasta cómo los usan y los desechan nuestros clientes.

Ver folleto informativo completo

Huella de carbono

Charcoal, Azul Nube, Glacier White



60 valoraciones en Amazon Alexa Echo Show 5 (3.ª generación) | Pantalla inteligente más 1 foco inteligente

Basado en 60 reseñas.
Mostrando 3 of 60 valoraciones (3 estrella).Ver todas las 60 valoraciones
  1. capnhairdo

    3.0 de 5 estrellas

    Why can’t I just show a clock?

    Though I’ve been an Amazon customer for almost 30 years, I’ve resisted buying any Amazon devices (except a Kindle for my wife) until now. And after a single day of fighting with this stupid Amazon Echo Show and then returning it, I feel vindicated and won’t be dabbling in the Amazon/Alexa ecosystem again.I bought the Echo Show to pair with a Blink doorbell. I simply wanted to get an audible alert and video feed when someone pushed the doorbell in our upstairs bedroom, and the combination was recommended as a simple and economical way to do that. As a bonus, I figured the Echo Show could serve as a digital alarm clock and allow my wife to listen to her podcasts while she was upstairs.But setting up the Blink with the Echo Show was anything but simple, even though they’re both Amazon devices. First, I had to install the Blink app on my phone and create a new Blink account (why?), then *also* install the Alexa app on my phone. I don’t want to install Alexa and don’t need another voice assistant; I’m happy with my Google Assistant. Then I had to figure out how to teach Alexa a new “skill” to listen for the doorbell press, which took a lot of Googling to figure out. The result? Alexa simply says aloud that there’s someone at the door, but does not automatically show the video. But Blink also alerts my phone, and it’s actually simpler to tap on it to show the video than get Alexa to do it.Then there was the matter of getting this to simply show a clock the rest of the time. Though this device seems designed to look just like a nightstand alarm clock (who would actually watch movies on this 5″ screen?), getting it to only show a clock proved almost impossible. Apparently you have to go into the “Home Content” and disable each and every one of the several dozen things it wants to show you by default, from recipes to sports scores to news stories to Amazon delivery updates to ads. (And then do it again when Amazon automatically adds new items to the list.) I did all of that and followed the instructions I found to only show a clock. The end result was it that it showed a clock superimposed over a clock, then would flash after several seconds, show an entirely different clock, flash again, show nothing, etc. Seriously? How do you screw up something so simple as a clock? And apparently I’m not the only one who has run into this buggy behavior.I appreciate that many people like Alexa devices and all that they can do. But I’m steering clear. If I want to watch a movie, I’ll do it on my TV or tablet. If I want to listen to music, I’ll fire up the Sonos. For everything else, I vastly prefer my phone or desktop computer to this small, buggy, ad-ridden device that is too smart to simply show me the time.

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  2. Mel

    3.0 de 5 estrellas

    Good, but a little buggy

    This is the first Echo Show I’ve set up, but I’m pretty tech savvy. Here’s the pros and cons so far.Pros- Looks like a bedside clock (if you set it up that way) and is not very noticeable. I like this.- Sound seems good so far. This is why I bought this model when it was on sale. I heard the sound quality on older models wasn’t as good. This one is pretty loud. I’m happy with that.- Has a slider to cover the camera if you want privacy- Has a button on top to turn off the microphone and Alexa ‘Listening” if you want (you’ll see a red bar at the bottom of the screen if you do this.)- I like the Drop In feature.- I like that it also has a home monitoring feature (but it doesn’t work right)- This can also supposedly sense motion and trigger alexa skills for that too, but I haven’t tried that yet. I dont’ believe they are true motion sensors. I believe they detect motion using the camera. If the camera is covered, there’d be no motion sensing.Cons- It’s small. But I knew that. The screen is about the same size as a smartphone turned on its side.- If you’re making a video call to this, and you are using a cell phone in portrait view, your image is going to be so tiny on this echo show’s screen! It’ll be vertical and in the center. It won’t enlarge to fill the screen. Best way to call this device will be from a tablet or or something else in horizontal view. (With a camera that is centered and not off to the side, when it’s horizontal.)- “Home Monitoring” worked the first day, and I could not get it to work after that. I don’t know why. It’s frustrating and annoying. I did everything I could think of, short of calling customer support (which I’ll try another day) I read that this is a common problem.- There’s a lag sometimes, especially with the app I’m using on my phone, to connect to this. That makes it hard to know sometimes if you need to press a button again. Also, any time you change a setting, you might get stuck/frozen for a while, while it updates with amazon’s cloud. Sometimes I had to unplug it and plug it back in, to get it out of that loop.- No battery. If this gets unplugged or power goes out, this won’t work. You also can’t move it around the room (because it’s plugged in!) – Again, I knew this beforehand. FYI, I wanted to use a fire tablet in “show mode” to get around this problem, but the tablets are not loud enough. I needed a loud device for video calls. This echo show IS loud.- I wanted to make a widget with an alexa skill to make a tappable shortcut for a phonecall. I could not find a way to do this. It might be possible, but I could not find instructions for this online, and customer support could not help me with this either.- I did eneable “Tap to Alexa” for a while (then later disabled it). That might work ok for someone who has speech difficulty, and needs visual buttons. But if you’re trying to add buttons to simplify this for a more debilitated person or someone who doesn’t know a lot about tech, that won’t help much. The text under the tiles is small, the icons for the tiles can only be customized with an image from the built in set – and they all look similar. There’s no way to customize a tile enough to make it stand out, so someone knows “THIS is the button you press to call me!” You also cannot fully customize the tiles screen. Some tiles cannot be deleted or re-arranged. (others can.)- This doesn’t have night vision. I knew this already. If a room is dim or dark it’s hard to see the other person and that room.Mostly it’s a little buggy. I’m hoping things will work better as I get more used to working with it.The lag sometimes is frustrating.Things not working that worked the day before, is frustrating.Having SO MANY SETTINGS to customize is frustrating. Most related to extras I don’t want to be shown. Ads, suggestions, “Try this!” etc. I want this to be a clock that can make video calls. That’s all I want to do with this. It is difficult to find ALL the settings you need to find, to simplify it to that. It’s great that it can do so many other things, but I want this to be more simplified, and that’s not easy to do.I may report back later (I may not 😉 ) once I’ve used it more. I really like all the things about it that work. I’m a little frustrated by some of the bugginess.

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  3. Jeff Lines

    3.0 de 5 estrellas

    Some Improvements needed

    After several months of ownership, I thought I would post a review. I purchased this model particularly because it was to have support for Matter over Thread. Home automation is my the main thing I use this for with Apple products and Apple Home being my system of choice as the main control. I have an Echo Show 5 in the kitchen because that is the area where you are most likely to have your hands full and need to give a voice command. I also have a program that is basically a timer where the command is “Run Distiller” and it turns on the distiller and after three and a-half hours turns it off. So with that as the basis, I have a couple improvements that I have come across that are needed.The first is a long time issue I have had with the both the 3rd generation and previous generation of Show 5 and that has to do with the total reliance on needing to be connected to the internet. This makes for a reliability issue for any program that has multiple steps and time passage between steps because ANY interruption of the internet causes that program to fail … so then our distiller doesn’t shut off until it is out of water and we have water all over the counter and crud on the bottom of the distiller that is not as easily cleaned out. It would be nice if when a program is initiated, that all steps are internalized in the Show and made local so programs … once started … never fail to complete. As a matter of fact, it would be nice if there wasn’t such a total reliance on the internet. As it stands right now, if you have an internet outage, you have NO local capability with the Show and it simply turns into a rock.We have also noticed that the voice recognition is not as good as it is with Siri … and what is odd is it seems to have gotten worse with the newer version. Since our Show device is a kitchen appliance … it gets used as a timer frequently. At least it used to be used for that. Now it doesn’t seem to respond to the attention (i.e. Alexa) command from across the room the way it used to and so we have gotten to where we use Siri more for that … but that means the iPhone needs to be sitting on the counter instead of a pocket.The third item I guess you could say is bleeding edge for Matter. I have noticed the most recent version of Apple Home has a feature where you can select what the primary Matter Hub so I believe Apple has implemented the Matter Admin features. I don’t see anything like that with the Show. In addition, I believe this feature, once properly implemented, will mean that once you set a Matter device, it will be available on all Matter platforms in your home. I believe the other issue is that Amazon is going to have to step away from the total dependence on the cloud because the ability to control a Thread based device with a Matter hub is supposed to all be local.Anyway, these issues really do need resolution in my mind so that’s why I’m giving it the rating I have for now. Some of this may be able to be resolved with firmware … but the local capability might require some additional changes to the hardware as well so for now I’m not going to hold my breath.

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