

Echo Show 5 (3.ª generación, nuevo modelo de 2023)

El precio original era: $105,00.El precio actual es: $90,00.

(60 valoraciones de clientes)

Nuevo Echo Show 5 (3.ª generación, modelo de 2023) | Pantalla inteligente con graves más profundos y sonido más claro


Sobre este articulo 

  • Alexa TIENE MUCHO QUE MOSTRARTE – Establece alarmas y timers, duérmete escuchando una playlist relajante, comienza tu mañana con una rutina de Smart Home, consulta tu calendario o el clima fácilmente; todo esto con tan solo usar la voz.
  • TAMAÑO PEQUEÑO CON GRAN SONIDO – Escucha tu música favorita, series, pódcast y más en Amazon Music, Spotify, Prime Video, entre otros. Ahora cuenta con mayor profundidad de graves y mejor nitidez de voz. Incluye una pantalla de 5.5” para que veas series, títulos de canciones y mucho más de un vistazo.
  • MANTÉN TU CASA ACOGEDORA – Controla dispositivos inteligentes compatibles como luces y termostatos, incluso cuando estés fuera de casa.
  • CAMPO DE VISIÓN MÁS AMPLIO CON LA CÁMARA INTEGRADA – Revisa cómo está tu familia, tus mascotas y más usando la cámara integrada. Haz Drop In en tu casa cuando estés fuera o ve la puerta principal desde tu Echo Show 5 con video timbres compatibles.
  • VE TUS FOTOS EN PANTALLA – Configura el dispositivo para que muestre tus fotos favoritas cuando no esté en uso. Los miembros Prime también obtienen almacenamiento de fotos en la nube de manera ilimitada.
  • VIDEOLLAMADAS PARA CONECTAR CON TUS SERES QUERIDOS – Usa la cámara de 2 MP para llamar a familiares y amigos que tienen la app de Alexa o un dispositivo Echo con pantalla. Envía comunicados a otros dispositivos compatibles en tu casa.
  • DISEÑADO PARA PROTEGER TU PRIVACIDAD – Amazon no se dedica a vender tu información personal a otros. Cuenta con varias capas de controles de privacidad, incluyendo un botón para desactivar los micrófonos y la cámara, así como una cubierta integrada para la cámara.
  • DISEÑO SUSTENTABLE – El 100% de la tela de este dispositivo es hilo de poliéster reciclado posconsumo y el 100% del aluminio es aluminio reciclado. El empaque del dispositivo es 100% reciclable.

Tamaño pequeño con muchas funciones

El nuevo Echo Show 5 incluye una pantalla de 5.5” donde puedes ver las noticias y el clima de un vistazo, hacer videollamadas, consultar el video de cámaras compatibles, reproducir música y series, entre otras cosas. Además, puedes establecer alarmas y timers con la voz, así como crear rutinas para personalizar tu manera de empezar el día y relajarte.

Tu contenido favorito suena aún mejor

El Echo Show 5 incluye calidad de audio mejorada que emite voces más nítidas, graves más profundos y produce un sonido vibrante. Solo pídele a Alexa que ponga música, un pódcast, audiolibros o tus series favoritas para disfrutar de una experiencia de audio más dinámica. Más información sobre las opciones de entretenimiento con Alexa.

Mantén un ambiente acogedor en tu casa

Nuestro Echo Show 5 más rápido acelera las respuestas de Alexa para que puedas controlar con rapidez tu Smart Home, como apagar luces compatibles en tu casa sin levantarte de la cama. También puedes programar rutinas o incluso iniciarlas con tu movimiento. Cuando entres a una habitación, se puede encender la lámpara o comenzar a reproducir música, así de simple. Obtén más información sobre las distintas formas de conectar tu dispositivo de Smart Home.


Enchufe inteligente




Video timbre

Monitorea tu casa cuando quieras

Usa la cámara integrada para ver cómo está tu familia, tus mascotas y más, incluso cuando estés fuera. Ve la puerta principal desde tu Echo Show 5 con video timbres compatibles. Utiliza Alexa Together para apoyar a tus seres queridos con alertas personalizadas. Más información sobre Alexa Together.

Mantén la comunicación con familiares y amigos

Haz videollamadas a manos libres con familiares, amigos y colegas que tienen un Echo Show o la app de Alexa. Envía comunicados a dispositivos Echo compatibles en tu casa y utiliza Drop In como un intercomunicador entre habitaciones o con tus contactos Alexa favoritos.

Presume tus fotos

Usa Amazon Photos para convertir la pantalla de Inicio en un marco digital, donde puedes mostrar tus fotos con otro contenido o como una presentación de diapositivas. Los miembros Prime también obtienen almacenamiento de fotos en la nube de manera ilimitada.

“Alexa, muestra las fotos de mis vacaciones”.

Alexa para toda la familia; incluso para los niños

Aprende, juega y crea

Alexa puede ayudar a que los niños aprendan y se desarrollen mientras se divierten. Gracias al control parental gratuito de Amazon Kids, Alexa dará respuestas aptas para niños, filtrará letras de canciones explícitas y bloqueará las compras. La privacidad de los niños es importante para nosotros. Descubre cómo los niños pueden usar Alexa, consulta videos instructivos útiles, obtén respuestas de preguntas frecuentes y más.

Explora Amazon Kids+

Haz clic aquí para empezar tu período de prueba gratuita de un mes. Amazon Kids+ es una suscripción integral que desbloquea contenido apto para niños, como miles de horas de videos, juegos interactivos, Skills educativas y libros Audible desde $4.99 al mes.

Diseñado para proteger tu privacidad

Alexa y los dispositivos Echo Show se crearon con varias capas de protección de privacidad. Incluyen un botón para desactivar los micrófonos y la cámara, una cubierta integrada para bloquear la cámara y también pueden eliminar las grabaciones de voz, de manera que tengas transparencia y control sobre tu experiencia con Alexa. Más información sobre cómo funcionan Alexa y los dispositivos Echo.

Fácil de usar y de configurar

Este dispositivo se puede configurar antes de que llegue usando del código QR que te enviaremos por e-mail.

Paso 1

Enchufa el Echo Show 5.

Paso 2

Conéctate a internet desde el Echo Show 5.

Paso 3

Pídele a Alexa que te ponga música, diga el clima, noticias y más.

Diseño sustentable

Hacemos que nuestros dispositivos sean más sustentables: desde cómo los manufacturamos hasta cómo los usan y los desechan nuestros clientes.

Ver folleto informativo completo

Huella de carbono

Detalles técnicos

Echo Show 5 (3.ª generación)

Echo Show 5 (3.ª generación)

Tamaño 5.8”(ancho) x 3.6”(diámetro) x 3.2”(alto) (147 mm x 91 mm x 82 mm)
Peso 16.1 oz (456 g). El tamaño y peso reales pueden variar en función del proceso de fabricación.
Pantalla Pantalla táctil de 5.5”
Cámara Cámara de 2 MP con cubierta integrada (la calidad y el tamaño de las imágenes podrían variar).
Conectividad wifi El wifi de doble banda es compatible con redes wifi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac. No admite la conexión con redes wifi ad hoc (peer-to-peer, también conocida como red de pares).
Amazon Sidewalk Una red compartida que ayuda a que los dispositivos compatibles funcionen mejor en casa y más allá de la puerta. Si se pierde la conexión wifi, Sidewalk permite que determinados dispositivos sigan conectados. Además, Sidewalk ayuda a que dispositivos como aspersores de agua y localizadores de mascotas funcionen en distancias más largas. Sidewalk utiliza una pequeña parte de tu ancho de banda de Internet para brindarte estas ventajas tanto a ti como a tus vecinos a través de Sidewalk Bridges (dispositivos Echo y Ring participantes), y está activada en tu dispositivo a menos que hayas desactivado la configuración previamente. Puedes desactivar Sidewalk en cualquier momento. Obtener más información sobre Sidewalk.
Conectividad Bluetooth Perfil de distribución de audio avanzada (A2DP) para el streaming de audio desde tu dispositivo móvil al Echo Show 5 o desde el Echo Show 5 a tu parlante Bluetooth. Perfil de control remoto de audio y video (AVRCP) para el control por voz de los dispositivos móviles conectados. El control por voz a manos libres no es compatible con dispositivos Mac OS X. Los parlantes Bluetooth que requieren códigos PIN no son compatibles.
Audio Parlante integrado de 1.75” de gama completa.
Requisitos del sistema El Echo Show 5 viene listo para conectarse a tu wifi. La app de Alexa es compatible con dispositivos Fire OS, Android e iOS y también se puede acceder a ella a través de tu navegador web. Sistemas operativos compatibles. Algunos servicios están sujetos a cambio o cancelación en cualquier momento, pueden no estar disponibles en todas las regiones y pueden requerir suscripciones adicionales.
Tecnología de configuración La configuración fácil wifi Simple Setup de Amazon permite conectar dispositivos inteligentes a la red wifi en tan solo unos cuantos pasos fáciles. Este es otro ejemplo de las mejoras constantes de Alexa. Obtén más información sobre esta configuración sencilla.
Procesador MediaTek MT 8169B con NNA
Funcionalidades de accesibilidad Si quieres activar funcionalidades para personalizar a Alexa según tus habilidades, ve a Configuración → Accesibilidad.
• Presiona y activa Alexa pone a disponibilidad el acceso a Alexa por gestos táctiles en lugar de tener que usar la voz, esto a través de un teclado o mosaicos en pantalla, incluyendo la opción de guardar acciones favoritas.
• La opción de escucha adaptativa da más tiempo para terminar de hablar antes de que Alexa responda.
• La velocidad preferida de habla permite que los clientes controlen qué tan rápido o lento habla Alexa.
• Los subtítulos de Alexa y los subtítulos de llamadas proporcionan subtítulos de texto en cualquier modo para contenido compatible.
• La opción de identificación de objetos ayuda a que las personas ciegas o con discapacidad visual identifiquen productos cuando digan: “Alexa, ¿qué estoy sujetando?”.
• El lector de pantalla VoiceView permite que las personas ciegas o con discapacidad visual tengan acceso.
Con la lupa, es posible ampliar y reducir el zoom, así como desplazarse por la pantalla.
• La opción de notificar cuando esté cerca emite sonidos de notificación para avisarte cuando pases cerca de tu dispositivo Echo.
• La lectura en voz alta de Kindle hará que Alexa lea tus libros Kindle en voz alta.
• El texto en tiempo real permite escribir texto en vivo en una videollamada.
• Las funcionalidades de accesibilidad de Alexa también incluyen configuraciones de inversión de color, corrección de color, sonido de solicitud y más.
Garantía y servicio Incluye garantía limitada y servicio de 1 año. Las garantías extendidas opcionales de 1 año, 2 años y 3 años solo están disponibles para los clientes en Estados Unidos y se venden por separado. El uso del Echo Show 5 está sujeto a estos términos.
Contenido de la caja Echo Show 5, adaptador de corriente blanco glaciar (21 W), cable (4.9 ft) y guía de inicio rápido.
Generación Echo Show 5 (3.ª generación, modelo de 2023).
Funcionalidades de privacidad Tecnología de palabra de activación, indicadores de streaming, botón para activar/desactivar los micrófonos y la cámara, cubierta de la cámara integrada, opción de consultar y eliminar tus grabaciones de voz y más. Visita el hub de privacidad de Alexa para explorar cómo es que Alexa y los dispositivos Echo se diseñaron para proteger tu privacidad.
Idioma Alexa habla español e inglés.
Actualizaciones de seguridad del software Las actualizaciones de seguridad del software de este dispositivo están garantizadas por lo menos cuatro años después de que el dispositivo deja de estar disponible a la venta como producto nuevo en nuestros sitios web. Obtén más información sobre estas actualizaciones de seguridad del software. Si ya tienes un Amazon Echo, consulta la opción Administrar contenido y dispositivos para obtener información específica sobre tu dispositivo.
Compatibilidad con Dispotivos de Smart Home Wifi, Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh y Matter


Charcoal, Cloud Blue, Glacier White



60 valoraciones en Echo Show 5 (3.ª generación, nuevo modelo de 2023)

  1. Matt

    2.0 de 5 estrellas

    Could be great, but has some really annoying issues

    We had a first generation Echo Show in our kitchen which died recently so I ordered this as a replacement, not realizing how small it is. It’s about the size of a standard alarm clock, which is too small for our kitchen. Rather than returning it, though, I decided to keep it for the bedside table, which appears to be what it was made for. I then ordered an Echo Show 8 for the kitchen, which is a much better size for there.Anyway, having this on the nightstand is nice, because not only does it function as a clock, but I can ask it about the weather, the news, etc. in the morning. The bluetooth speaker has very good sound for its size. Overall, it’s a great purchase. Except…It’s got a couple of really annoying flaws that severely limit its usefulness. Ugh. Amazon, I really hope you’re listening here. At least the first of these should be fixable with a simple software update. The second, I’m not as sure if it’s a software problem or a hardware issue, but I hope that it will at least be updated by the next model. While I’m probably not going to return this one, I can’t see myself buying another one of these (or recommending it to other people) until these issues get fixed.So, first problem… Using it as a bluetooth speaker. I like to play music from Apple Music on my iPad, and I was hoping to use this for that. Yes you *can* link your Apple Music account directly into the Echo Show, but that’s got a couple of flaws – first, you can’t browse, you have to tell Alexa what to play, and second, if you’ve got your own music that you’ve uploaded to Apple Music because it’s not in the main Apple Music library (or another app entirely), there is as far as I can tell no way to access it. So, using the Echo Show as a bluetooth speaker it is. Except…Once you pair your iPad with Alexa, it will very loudly announce that it’s connected. “Now connected to Matt’s iPad” it says very loudly. If I had it connected previously and I start using my iPad after leaving it sit for a while (say, I was listening the night before and I pick up my iPad in the morning to glance at the news), even if I’m not playing audio, it will make the same announcement again (which, totally unexpected like that, gives me a good jump scare). Disconnect the iPad and it makes a loud notification sound (for a while it was saying “Disconnected from Matt’s iPad” but I seem to have managed to at least turn that off… I’m not even sure how). It does the same if I connect and disconnect my phone.I don’t want this. It’s super annoying. I’ve tried every way that I can find to turn these bluetooth announcements off, and I can’t do it. I’ve searched the internet and found lots of other people complaining of the same issue, but Amazon hasn’t fixed it. Some of those have suggested turning off notifications as the solution, but I’ve tried that (even going as far as power cycling my Echo Show to make it reboot), and I *still* get the bluetooth announcements. They just won’t go away.So, first thing this needs before I’ll give it a good rating… Amazon, please do away with these bluetooth announcements, or at least make it possible for me to disable them. Honestly, I’d prefer not to have to completely disable notifications to do it (there’s no fine grain control over notifications, it’s either all on or all off, which is a problem itself), but if that’s how it has to be whatever. Just get rid of these unnecessary and annoying bluetooth announcements.Then, there’s what is actually a much bigger problem, but may require a hardware update to fix… The auto-dimming.So, in theory, I like and want the auto-dimming feature. I don’t want this to be at full brightness all night while the room is dark. In the dark it goes very dim, but that makes it readable in the dark without being annoying or a distraction from sleep. That’s good.Based on how this performs, though, I have to assume that the light sensor that controls the auto-dimming is on the front and very directionally focused. It doesn’t pick up on ambient light at all.So if I turn on the bedside lamp, which happens to be located behind the Echo Show 5 on my table? It doesn’t pick up on it, it still thinks the room is dark, and it keeps the display so dim that it’s totally unreadable in the lamp light. I use my bedside lamp a lot when I’m in the bedroom, so that is a HUGE problem. Even if I have both the overhead light and the bedside lamp on and the screen is bright, the moment I turn the overhead light off (but leave the bedside lamp on), it goes so dark as to be unreadable.But even when I’m using the overhead light… If I even happen to stand or sit so that I’m positioned between the overhead light and the Echo Show unit, it dims the display. Not nearly as dim as it goes in the dark room or with the bedside lamp, but still dim enough to make it significantly harder to read.So basically, I can only read the screen easily with the room brightly lit or totally dark, with light directly pointed at the unit or no light at all. Anywhere in between and it becomes unreadable. Of course I could “fix” this problem by turning auto-dimming off entirely, but then it would be brightly lit all through the night. Which I don’t want either. Right now the only setting for this is either on or off, no in-between, no adjusting the sensitivity, nothing.So Amazon, I don’t know if this means that you need more light sensors on the unit than you currently have (maybe one facing the back of the unit as well), or if it’s just a software tweak to make it more (or less? I don’t even know) sensitive, but SOMETHING needs to be done about this. A screen that I can’t read isn’t useful to me.Oh, and finally, this is more minor but what is up with the white power cord on my black/”charcoal” device? I didn’t buy a white Echo Show because I didn’t want a white Echo Show. The power cord should match the device. Way to cheap-out, Amazon.Fix these problems and I’ll feel much better about the Echo Show 5 and happily recommend it to others as a bedside device. With these issues, though, I’m sorry, but I can’t recommend it.

    A 227 personas les resultó útil

  2. toodaloo

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great for my Ring Video Doorbell Wired and to hear jokes of the day

    I wanted the Echo Show 5 Generation 3 mainly for my Ring Video Doorbell wired that I recently installed. Love to view video doorbell live you say ‘Alexa show Front Door’ and it opens up to live view. Then ‘ALEXA stop’ to stop live view. It clearly announces when motion it detected or when someone rings the door if my cell phone is not nearby. I do have the Ring chime but the additional verbal is nice from the ECHO show. Screen is large enough for me to live view the video doorbell.I even tried the ‘ALEXA tell me a funny joke, with my back turned and 10 feet away and it heard me clear enough to tell me a joke. I love it.This is my first ALEXA/Echo product and happen to finally purchase it several weeks ago with their promotion $39.99 at the time. Too bad this promo was for only 1 product. Would like to get one for bedroom if on sale again but can use my Ring app on my cell or tablet for now.Initial setup I was getting continuous advertisements or info but was able to stop that by going into settings. Several YouTube videos were very helpful on initial setup and more how to like the live view of the doorbell and disabling the Sidewalk option. Great product so far.

    A 2 personas les resultó útil

  3. iHaveaProblem

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    A Compact Smart Display with Enhanced Features

    TL;DR:The Echo Show 5 is a compact and versatile smart display with enhanced features. It offers an improved visual experience, powerful audio output, and seamless integration with Amazon Alexa. However, the camera resolution and limited app support may be potential drawbacks for some users. When compared to other smart display options, the Echo Show 5 stands out for its compact size and affordability.Review:The Echo Show 5 is a compact and versatile smart display that combines the convenience of a smart speaker with the added benefits of a screen. With its enhanced features, it offers a range of capabilities for users seeking a visual and interactive experience.One of the standout advantages of the Echo Show 5 is its improved visual experience. The 5.5-inch display provides clear and vibrant visuals, making it ideal for tasks such as video calling, watching videos, browsing recipes, and viewing information at a glance.The audio output of the Echo Show 5 has also been upgraded, delivering powerful and immersive sound. Whether you’re listening to music, podcasts, or streaming content, the device offers an enjoyable audio experience.The integration with Amazon Alexa, the voice assistant, is seamless and allows for convenient hands-free control of various smart home devices, streaming services, and more. You can control compatible smart devices, set timers and reminders, check the weather, and access a wide range of Alexa skills.In terms of affordability and compact size, the Echo Show 5 stands out compared to other smart display options. It offers a more budget-friendly choice without compromising on essential features and functionality.However, it’s worth noting that the camera resolution on the Echo Show 5 may not be as high as some other devices on the market. While it still provides adequate video calling functionality, those seeking higher-quality video may prefer alternative options.Additionally, the app support on the Echo Show 5 is somewhat limited compared to other devices. While popular streaming services like Amazon Prime Video and Netflix are supported, the availability of third-party apps may vary. This could be a consideration for users who heavily rely on specific apps or services.When comparing the Echo Show 5 to other smart display options, its compact size and affordability make it an attractive choice. It offers a good balance between features and cost, making it suitable for users who prioritize convenience and value.In summary, the Echo Show 5 is a compact and versatile smart display with enhanced features. Its improved visual experience, powerful audio output, and seamless integration with Amazon Alexa make it a valuable addition to any smart home. However, the camera resolution and limited app support may be potential drawbacks for some users. When compared to other smart display options, the Echo Show 5 stands out for its compact size and affordability.Pros:- Improved visual experience with a clear and vibrant 5.5-inch display- Powerful audio output for an enjoyable listening experience- Seamless integration with Amazon Alexa for hands-free control- Compact size and affordability compared to other smart display optionsCons:- Camera resolution may not be as high as some other devices- Limited app support for third-party applications and services

    A 32 personas les resultó útil

  4. LinckGLinckG

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    1st Gen vs 3rd Gen

    In the pics, 1st Gen is on the left, with a black cord, and 3rd Gen is on the right with a white cord. I was not planning to replacement the device as they are rather expensive. However, it went on sale and I got a trade in that brought the final price down to 20 bucks. The reason I went with that deal is this particular Gen 1 was not as responsive to voice as I expect it to be. I had to repeat myself often, particularly when there is ambient noise. I don’t know if it’s the Gen 1 in general, or just this unit. Never the less, there it is. The Gen 3 is MUCH better at responding. I can even turn on my 3d printer exhaust fan, face 90°, and the new Echo will respond immediately. It fixed my one and only problem with the Gen 1 I had. The units are close in dimensions. I did have to shove the old unit into the new unit’s box to send it back. Width was almost the same, but height made it harder to close the box. By itself on my desk, I don’t notice a difference. The screen is very slightly larger than the old unit. The new unit does not have an audio jack, or microUSB port on the back, only power. Setting up the Gen 3, it told me I can use the camera to automatically execute routines when a person is in view which I was not aware of as being an option on the Gen 1. Sound is better on Gen 3. I adjusted the equalizer a bit, and it is acceptable. It was not great out of the box, but when turned up the bass a bit and bumped the treble down it improved. The buttons are further back on the Gen 3, but easy to feel which one you are on by their raised design. The one button neither has that I would have liked is the button on the Dot that activates the unit without saying the wake work. The thing is arms length away. I don’t need to always say the wake word.Is it worth the upgrade? That depends on if your Gen 1 has the same responsiveness issues mine had, or another issue. Otherwise, not really. The Gen 1 worked fine for the years that I had it other than having to repeat myself sometimes. If it had been more responsive, I would not have bothered to replace it.

    A 64 personas les resultó útil

  5. Dean Buzzell

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    I like it thus far

    I purchased the original Echo Show 5, and like it a LOT as a bedroom clock. Until, that is, the screen started “glitching” after an Amazon software update. Of course, by the time Amazon managed to wreck the Echo Show 5 Gen 1 it was WAY out of warranty, so I literally had no way to get Amazon to fix their mistakes. To their credit, Amazon was offering pretty reasonable rebates for trade-ins, and I took advantage of the $20 rebate for the Echo Show 5 and the $30 rebate for the Echo Dot (with video screen) to mostly pay for the new Echo Show 5 3rd Gen. This newer offering for the Echo Show 5 has a smaller footprint with a much better sound, and (so far) no screen glitching. Sadly, though, the stand (which I paid extra for) for the Gen 1 Echo Show 5 doesn’t fit the Echo Show 5 3rd Gen, so I’ll be forced to pay extra for that. Shame on you, Amazon! While I totally get that hardware/software improvements are inevitable, you need to do a better job of compensating those who went all-in to purchase the add-ins for your devices that are now simply junk.So….yeah – the Echo Show 5 Gen 3 works superbly. Just as the Echo Show 5 Gen 1 did, until Amazon wrecked it beyond redemption with their updates that no one knows are coming, and no one can refuse. Be assured your purchase of the Echo Show 5 Gen 3 will work up to and beyond your expectations, until Amazon decides they want you to purchase their NEXT device version, and they trash this device to incent you to buy the next version.I’ve been a software developer most of my professional life. I well know the pain of the user base when they learn that software updates are going to leave them behind, and their often justified outrage that their significant monetary outlays (and c’mon – when it’s YOUR money it’s a significant outlay, right?) have just gone into the dumpster. As a professional developer with a large customer base, I made it my JOB to know my customers, and inform and prepare my customers what was coming down the pike that would impact them, and EARNESTLY work with them to ease a substantial hardware update. I’m not kidding nor am I “making this up” – when you’re upfront with the customer, and tell them truthfully that industry changes are forcing you down a path that might leave them behind, and you offer viable options for the customer to make their OWN decisions, then you have done a real service to the customer.Amazon doesn’t follow this model. They literally don’t care a whit for how these changes impact their customer base. To Amazon, apparently, it’s as easy as “you either pay money to upgrade to our latest device or not. We literally don’t care what negative impact our latest choices have on you, little Amazon Echo subscriber. Either pay up to be on board, or be left behind with the dregs.”Yah. Amazon IS the consummate “Eff You, paltry customer” when it comes to their Echo devices. This is a FAR cry from when Amazon was nothing more than a book seller. Now they feel confident in screwing hundreds of thousands of customers with their short-sighted hardware failures, and forcing their customers to foot the bill for their shortsighted business failures.Absolutely certain the ‘Zon censors will be messaging me, with an eye to suppressing this post. Think I know how to tell them to eff off, but we’ll see.

    A 276 personas les resultó útil

  6. Cool Breeze

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Just seems a lil slow like it needs more memory.

    This is truly an amazing product! I actually give it 4.5 Stars however, it just seems slow and unresponsive at times. It seems like it needs more memory to make it faster and responsive. Otherwise it’s cool to have. I love the camera features and you can use similar devices to talk to your family and friends and viewing them just like in The Jetsons! It also acts like a security camera and you can use this to talk and check up on your pups or cats or other pets at home. You can also use this to check on the elderly from your workplace. You can even talk to them and see their actions. The best part is that this will tell you when you are being watched and you also have a privacy switch to turn the camera completely off! The sound is very nice and bassy unlike my echo dots that I have at home. I just wish that it had more memory so that it could be more responsive and I could give this five stars. Perhaps the next generation will make that happen! Still a great deal especially on Black Friday or the Amazon sales that they have in July. Get this and stay in touch. I also like the fact that when you play a favorite song you can also see the lyrics displayed on the screen! Now I can actually sing to the songs because I know exactly what they’re saying! LOL Peace to the world. 😎-CB

    A 13 personas les resultó útil

  7. K. Benjamin

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Impressive! So cute!

    The Echo Show 5 3rd generation is an impressive smart display device that offers a range of features in a compact and aesthetically pleasing package. Let’s take a closer look at its key aspects:Design: The cute light blue color option adds a touch of personality to the device, making it visually appealing and fitting well into different environments. The small size of the Echo Show 5 makes it convenient to place on a desk, countertop, or bedside table without taking up much space.Display: The device boasts a great resolution, which allows for crisp and clear visuals. The 5.5-inch touchscreen display is vibrant and offers good color reproduction, making it suitable for various tasks such as watching videos, browsing the web, or viewing photos.Alexa Integration: As an Echo device, the Show 5 seamlessly integrates with Amazon’s virtual assistant, Alexa. This integration enables you to control smart home devices, play music, set reminders, check the weather, and perform a wide range of other voice-activated tasks. The combination of voice commands and visual feedback on the screen enhances the user experience.Camera and Privacy: The Echo Show 5 comes equipped with a camera that allows for video calling and even doubles as a security camera. However, privacy is a key concern, and the device includes a physical shutter that covers the camera when not in use, providing peace of mind to users.Sound Quality: While the Echo Show 5 produces decent sound quality for its size, it may not match larger smart displays or dedicated speakers. The device is suitable for casual listening and voice responses, but if you’re looking for robust audio, you may consider connecting external speakers via the 3.5mm audio output or Bluetooth.Overall, the Echo Show 5 3rd generation impresses with its cute design, compact size, great resolution, and integration with Alexa. It is a versatile device that can enhance your smart home experience, facilitate communication, and provide useful visual feedback. However, if you prioritize audio performance or require a larger display, you may want to explore other options.

    A 23 personas les resultó útil

  8. Rose

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Big sound boost

    I traded in my echo spot due to a deal they had.It is a big improvement from my echo spot for music sound quality and noise level. I can clearly hear the echo device clear across my house while I’m cleaning. Where as my echo spot was only good for the bedroom and down the hall. My house is a standard small 3 bedroom 1 story house. So amazing sound quality.Another bonus is the screen size and that the clock is fully design to sit in the middle of the screen so it’s easier to view and see the time across the room in case your spouse is sleeping.The echo spot clock would never sit in the middle of the screen and it was always hard to view the time from far away.I would wish however that they gave the option to increase the text size. While I’m finally able to read the time without my glasses with this new device, I would like to make the text bigger for the updates and news flashes, I’m getting older!While this device is meant for a nightstand location, my spouse and I find it better to be by the tv in the middle of the room. For easy viewing.Screen and video quality is great.For people buying an Alexa device for the first time, the price is pretty decent for music, weather, new reports, viewing security camera, managing our house lights. Traffic report to work. These are the main features that we use. But this is a huge improvement over the echo spot, I finally feel like I got my money’s worth from this product.

    A 18 personas les resultó útil

  9. venessa

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Good, but could be better for what I use it for (bedside alarm clock)

    The audio is good and I like that it can show a slide show of photos for background images. Touch screen is also nice. I like that it has a camera so I can look in on my kitties during the day. At night, the display changes to a dim full screen clock image with red characters. What I love is that it has day light wake up so it starts brightening your room about 10 min before the alarm is set to go off to help you wake up peacefully and gradually. My biggest complaints are that other than late night, the clock display is tiny in the corner and it changes images, so you get a change in light and can’t really see the clock. There may be a way to customize this, but I haven’t found it yet. I did get it as a part of a promo that made it half price. For $45 it’s totally worth it. For $90 I would probably have returned it and just kept using my echo dot with clock.

    A una persona le resultó útil

  10. Jodi Lynn Brown

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Fo show!!

    I got this on prime day as the set with the ring doorbell I haven’t gotten that part yet.. this is a fun little smart hub!! I got it yesterday and I’m already reviewing it. I use it to spy on my dogs while I’m at work.. it def works for that. It has caused some moments of misunderstanding with Alexa.. like she wants me to use prime music and I want to use SiriusXM so we have had some disagreements already.. lol who knows she may wear me down. I have a dot coming to so for now I’ve had to shout at her from my bedroom and she tries to wake me up from the dining room.. but she is reliable! It’s like having a friend with slightly different taste in music that wants to be right😂. I am not sure what all it does yet but what I have seen it’s a great speaker and you can add more if it’s not enough.. I want one for my shower concerts my neighbors are an unwilling and unwanting audience.. I’m a backup singer so I bet they will be grateful..they have an echo glow also I may add to round out my collection.. but for now this one is fun and does little things to make your day better.. she tells jokes like what’s a camel with no humps called Humphrey.. a comic legend😝 but I mean if you want a smart hub and a speaker that you can watch Netflix on here you go!! You can also order stuff with it to.. just would not give kids purchasing power.

    A 15 personas les resultó útil

  11. Ricky T

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    White power cord?

    I bought this to replace an older show 5 with a glitchy screen. This one is nice, but who’s the guy who thought it’s be a great idea to ship a white power cord with a black device? So stupid.After a week of use, I’m seriously disappointed with this device. Compared by my gen 1 show 5, this thing requires a SIGNIFICANT amount of light in order to brighten up from its dark mode. When dark, you absolutely cannot read the screen at an angle, only straight on, because the brightness is not high enough. The gen1 handled this perfectly, but this thing is nearly off. Then when the sun comes up and the room has plenty of light, it absolutely will not exit dark mode. Even after I open a couple shades in the room, it just sits there like it’s still dark. A simple software fix.Amazon reached out, thanks to this review, and took the feedback seriously. That’s impressive, and much appreciated.

    A 7 personas les resultó útil

  12. Sheila67

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    I love it.

    Perfect size. It works very well just the usual difficulty getting it to understand my command/question although nowhere as frustrating as Siri or Google. The only thing is that you should have a disclaimer that you can only FaceTime with friends/family who have the Alexa app (I have 0 who do)

  13. Eric Black

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Useful little office streamer and home monitor

    Received my Echo Show 5 3rd Gen just this morning so this is just a first impressions review. I bought this for my home office to be able to more easily answer my Ring doorbell, listen to music and do other supplementary tasks so I can dedicate my computer’s screen real estate and processing power to work. For comparison, I have an Echo Show 10 in the kitchen, so I’m already familiar with the UI.So far, answering the door and keeping an eye on my Ring cameras works without a hitch (albeit it takes awhile to load the feed). I was able to ask Alexa to play podcasts from Amazon Music as well as cast Spotify from my phone. Alexa’s response time seems noticeably faster than the older Show 10. Music is clear if mid-heavy. The bass is noticeable but not overpowering, which is actually a plus as I want music to be localized to this room and not bother others in the house.Just a few cons. I should have already known the constant rotation between different onscreen info feeds would be annoying. They’re interesting when you’re just walking by but not so much when always in your field of vision. Thankfully you can turn off the feeds you don’t want and even place the Show in Night Mode nearly 24/7 and it defaults to displaying a clock when I’m just listening to music (I think that’s a consequence of putting it in Night Mode but I’m not absolutely sure.)I’ve had the unit freeze up twice, once while watching the news and another while answering the door (although I think it could be I instinctively tried to answer with my phone while the video feed was also loading on the device).My only other minor gripes are: 1) it’d be nice if the black Show had a black cable, but that’s just me, and 2) I have a tendency to swipe to the drop-down menu and press the top buttons while my palm is on top of the unit; since I’m right handed it just happens to cover the camera and the screen dims.So far the Show 5 3rd Gen is as I imagined it and I’m already seeing it’s usefulness as part of my office setup.

    A 44 personas les resultó útil

  14. Kelly Lichorobiec

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great sound quality

    Very powerful sound quality. A slightly larger screen would have been preferred but otherwise this is an excellent device. The voice recognition has improved I believe. This is perfect for any room and takes up little space. I have not been able to test this at full volume because it is that loud. Great choice and great value.

  15. t.s.

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Very useful!

    This is my 2nd one bought for my home. It was half price on Amazon Prime day and so worth it. This is a newer version from my other. I love listening to music, of course but also great for my recipes, weather, shopping list. My favorite though is when I’m away from home and need someone to answer the phone at the house and no one will pick up; I just “drop in” from my phone to the the Echo Show! I can see in the room and I can call their names to pick up! I love this. The first time I did it though; it scared them to death lol. Great buy!

  16. Nea

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Small but cute

    I love it it’s small so if you want it to cover more area get the larger screen. If you like to play music the speaker is great. I wish I would’ve gotten the bigger screen though

  17. Amzon Comsuter

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    I got this to replace find generation one echo show 5

    These are a good replacement for the echo show five first generation I got these to replace my first generation Echo five because my other ones wouldn’t stop flickering they were worn out I think so I got these to replace them haven’t had a problem I’ve had them for a few months now.

    A una persona le resultó útil

  18. Terrance Fortson

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Our first Alexa in our new apartment.

    We wanted an Alexa so badly when we moved into our new apartment in May. After we good gift card wins, we were finally able to buy our first one and we were not disappointed. We placed it in the kitchen on our microwave and it’s a lot of entertainment for me and the wife when we are cooking. Between the different games and music we can play it’s provide the right amount of entertainment. She is also very helpful with setting timers and looking up recipes. This one is the small one so the screen isn’t that big but still would recommend it!

    A una persona le resultó útil

  19. vince

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    It does seem to be hard of hearing compared to my other Alexa devices.

    I like everything about it except its microphone is not sensitive. You have to get right in front of it to ask it something. Especially with background noise. My echo dot can here you in the other room. LOL

  20. angelclips

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Light cannot dim enough at night

    I bought this and put it in the bedroom. Wrong place! Great device but not in the bedroom. No way to dim it enough at night when trying to sleep.

  21. Julian

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Works the same way as my echo show 5 1st generation but much faster!

    I got the echo show 5 1st generation in 2020 about year after its release and for the past few years it was doing good but over time the user interface got slower and Alexa stopped answering my question correctly and never understood a word I said no matter how loud I talked.Its now 2023 and I upgraded to the 3rd generation which it’s doing pretty good so far! It’s basically the same as the first generation but faster and more understanding with my voice which was what I needed after having a frustrating time with first generation after using it for a while.So is it worth it? In my opinion yes! if you want something small and want 2 times better bass with your music and control your devices for your everyday needs with a better UI and voice recognition then this maybe for you!My only complaint which isn’t necessarily a complaint is the size is it’s self looks a bit smaller than the previous 2 generations but the screen it’s self is technically the same which I’m fine with but that’s all I will say about that.Feel free to ask me any questions about it!

    A 2 personas les resultó útil

  22. Craig E McAhren

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    So much better than the Gen 1

    I replaced my Gen 1 Echo Show 5 with this one and immediately noticed an improvement with the wake word recognition. With the Gen 1 I could stand right next to it, in a bathroom with the exhaust fan on, calling out the wake word and it would not respond until I shouted. The Gen 3, in the same room and conditions, I can say the wake word at a normal volume and it responds every time! What a GREAT improvement over the previous models! If Amazon could do the same with the Echo Show 10, I’d buy one tomorrow because I have the same issue with that Gen 1 model.

  23. Gary

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Faster, missing features, doesn’t play at all with Asus Router School aged child content blocking

    Overall faster device. Features work if you get past router content blocking for child devices. Changing my rating from 1 star to 5 star after figuring this incompatibility issue as that solved all my problems.Poor planning:- The power cord is white on the charcoal gray/black device (that makes no sense!).- The stand isn’t the same fit magnet/holder as the previous generation, so this is intentional and is the exact definition of planned obsolescence.Downgraded options:- The USB plug on the back is missing.- The 3.5mm jack on the back is missing.Problems with black screen and voice getting cut off:I discovered that half the screens don’t work and resulted in a black screen was due to adding the device to Asus Router under Family devices for a “School-aged child”. Apparently the content blocking there is enough to make the device mostly not work, and also cuts off basic speech responses like current weather.Amazon should work with Asus to lift constraints for child device restrictions/blocks on these Routers.

    A una persona le resultó útil

  24. Annelisa Annelisa

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    It’s the size of a iPhone14 or another cell phone or so

    To ME it’s useful for what I needed !!I have voice Alexa’s all over my home but didn’t have a ECHO or Alexa screen and I was getting a RING Camera and I wanted something to have next to my bed as I don’t always have my phone next to me !So for me it works as an alarm , to see my RING camera and music that’s IT !I already use my voice Alexa’s for everything else !It is the size of your cell phone soooooo if you’d rather control your cameras and etc with that then It works just the same !I got it for 10$ on prime day so it was a steal and dumb if I didn’t get it so that’s why I bought it But if not , I would have JUST got the ring camera alone Because the original price is just crazy to me because of the size and what u can use it for !

    A 6 personas les resultó útil

  25. Kenneth Betancourt

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Loving it, but not 100% perfect…

    So I happened to purchased the 2023 echo show 5 (3rd gen) with the bundle with door bell camera system for $65 during prime day.To be honest I was surprised how simple it was setting it up, having the ability to answer my doorbell with voice command, and able to listen to music with such bass and high volume, I can hear it out my backyard and upstairs.However a major downside is that last year model supported more media apps. This particular model only has Prime video. So no: Netflix, Hulu, Disney, Max, Paramount, ect. If it had all that support, then I would ordered a second one for my room. If they do a software update to support all that the. That would be amazing…I still get a lot of use on looking at recipes, answer my door, and definitely listening to music while doing housework.Is it worth the $50 price? Yes, despite the missing usage of some many apps…

    A 3 personas les resultó útil

  26. C. B. Smith

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Tricky to set up but worth it in the end

    This was sort of an impulse buy for me since I found it on sale for a very good price. Even so I wasn’t sure I was going to keep it since there were many negative reviews about the setup process. However, I felt I could figure out the setup since I have other Echo devices. It turned out that helped a lot.Part of the problem is with the Settings, which are often not intuitive. For example, why should there be more than one setting for volume, or brightness? It turns out that adding a screen to an Echo brings additional complexity to everything.I knew I had finally succeeded when I set up my preferred sleep and wakeup routines. When I say “Good night” it turns on sleep sounds and turns off three Wi-Fi plugs (lights, coffee pot, and computer peripherals). When I say “Good morning” it does all that in reverse. In order to do routines like these you MUST have the Alexa app, so there’s another learning curve if you’re new to Echo devices. Like I said in the headline it was worth it in the end, but it took some time (fortunately I like geeky challenges).

    A 45 personas les resultó útil

  27. Allan M

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Can’t go wrong with these echos.

    I bought a few of these to place all over the house so I can monitor all my cameras. Sound is great, picture quality is above average. I’m replacing all my original echos with these. Easy to install and Amazon makes it easy to add these to your account when you purchase them. Just click on the “add to account button” during the purchase and when they arrive, they are already registered to your account and can be set up in just a few minutes.

  28. SuperFlyPN1SuperFlyPN1

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great device, disappointing power cord.

    Echo Show 5 is awesome. My only compliant (and reason for four stars) is that it came with a white power cord and adapter. The Exho Show I ordered is black. Looks a little tacky sitting out in the open seeing a white cord powering a black device. Come on Amazon, you can do better.

  29. Ronald M.

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great Product and Features

    This has amazing sound quality and bass that makes me feel like I’m in a concert. The screen is clear and bright, and I can easily control my smart home devices with Alexa. It’s the perfect size for my bedside table, and I use it every day to watch videos, listen to music, and make video calls. It’s the best smart display I’ve ever had, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a great experience with Alexa.

  30. Steven Cheever-PerrySteven Cheever-Perry

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Perfect For Anything and Everything

    I have a complete smart apartment and having Alexa helps so much. I previously had Apple HomeKit/Siri but is way too difficult to program so I came back to Alexa. Alexa can do so much more. Alexa can monitor my home when I am away and when I am sleeping, she can turn my lights off and on at certain times and she can even turn off my bedroom lights automatically when I fall asleep which is great. Alexa can play music of any kind at the command of my voice. She can notify me of when there is motion in front of my cameras, or if there is a smoke detector going off and I’m away from home, she will notify my cell phone as well as my other Alexa devices in the house.

    A 3 personas les resultó útil

  31. SF

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    the interesting decision of removing 3.5mm audio out jack

    My qualification to review this product: owned, used, and played with (daily) multiple 1st-gen, 3rd-gen, and 5th-gen Echo Dots (and multi-gen Echo Shows) throughout the years.First of all, most Amazon brand electronics are still with decent quality and performance overall, including this 5th-gen Echo Dot.My complaint is about the business strategy and decision of removing the 3.5mm audio output jack from almost all devices.You may say it is trend, or it is only reasonable attempting to cost down; however, it DOES put a bitter taste in loyal long-term techie customers who are customization freaks.I used to be able to mix, match, and combine multiple wired or wireless audio devices, including the Dots and non-Amazon equipment, to create my home audio system the way I want, but not anymore.bottom line: Amazon has gradually removed the flexibility and possibility of creativity and control from our hands by adopting the modern approach and attitude of “I know what is convenient for you in your life more than yourself”, just like Apple does.Maybe Amazon does make more money by this decision, but for me they are overdoing it and it is less fun now to play with Echo Dots, although it still works technically as a descent network speaker for sure.

    A 9 personas les resultó útil

  32. G. Tatum

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    New options a little slow to respond

    I upgraded to this device. The touch screen is slow to respond. It works well with my doorbell camera. I didn’t pay attention before purchasing that the screen is a little smaller than the echo I replaced it with. It’s lighter in weight than the older models. I appreciate its ability to immediately alert me and display images when someone is at my door. I don’t like that the volume seems to be self adjusting and sometimes straddles me because the volume has gone up much higher than I set. One day the volume was so low I couldn’t hear my notifications. I still like it. I can video chat with my 92 years old aunt from over a 1,000 miles Away

    A una persona le resultó útil

  33. JC

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Absolutely love it!!!

    This product is amazing. It has tons of features that make life so much easier. I am really impressed with the sound and the size is perfect for a nightstand or kitchen counter. The alarm feature is awesome if paired with a smart bulb. The lights turn on fifteen minutes before the alarm goes off so when you open your eyes the room is lit up. Definitely glad I got this!

  34. Deb B

    4.0 de 5 estrellas


    It’s slow.The speaker is great.It keeps showing suggestions for new skills, even when toggled off — a bit annoyingDespite what another reviewer said, NO you CANNOT watch Netflix videos using Silk. You can view your Netflix but it won’t open any videos. It’s a bonafide Bezos firewall, which is ridiculous. It’s their way of making you use Prime video.Connectivity with security cameras was a bit of a hassle, but once connected it’s quite good — significantly better than with my phone.Connectivity to Spotify is also just fine.It’s okay. If I hadn’t bought it on sale I might have sent it back, but since I got it pretty cheaply, I’ll likely keep it.

  35. Brody Cheeks

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    The Perfect Smart Display for Your Nightstand

    I have had the Echo Show 5 (3rd generation) for about a week now, and it is a great smart display for those who are looking for a small, affordable, and feature-rich device. It has a 5.5-inch touchscreen display, a built-in speaker, and a microphone array that allows you to control it with your voice.The sound quality on the Echo Show 5 is great. It’s clear and loud, and it can easily fill a small room. The speaker is also very responsive to voice commands. I was able to give it commands from across the room, and it always understood what I was saying.The touch screen on the Echo Show 5 is also very responsive. There was barely any lag at all, and it was easy to navigate the menus and apps. I was also impressed with the quality of the video calls that I made using the Echo Show 5. The image was clear and sharp, and the audio was also good.Overall, I’m very impressed with the Echo Show 5 (3rd generation). It’s a great smart display for those who are looking for a small, affordable, and feature-rich device.Pros:Great sound qualityResponsive voice commandsResponsive touch screenClear and sharp video callsAffordable priceCons:Small screen size

    A 4 personas les resultó útil

  36. imafan

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    I can hear you from another room

    I bought an eero wifi, echo dot and the echo 5. This is the first time I have used any “smart” devices. The echo 5 was the easiest to set up and integrate with the eero wifi. There are some problems. The echo is only able to display North American time zones. So my clock right now is 3 hours ahead. It was the closest I could get since I don’t live in any of the listed time zones. The backward speaker reflects against the wall so it is quite loud I can hear it from the next room. It can also hear me. It kept answering while I was trying to activate the echo dot. The camera and microphone can be manually turned off if you need to do that. It even tells me when I get a phone call.

    A 4 personas les resultó útil

  37. Judy M.

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Works dandy!

    So far, everything is great! The cameras (I bought 3) look nice, they work flawlessly, and the videos look great. I haven’t looked at the still pics yet. The videos are crisp and clear, the night vids come in b/w or color. The alarms could be a little louder. The bracket the holds the camera to a pole or wall could be a little stronger, it’s cheap plastic IMHO. Overall, I’m very satisfied with the cameras and I’m actually getting another!

    A una persona le resultó útil

  38. RC

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Will not show video from Blink Doorbell

    Addendum: I did a bit more research and found that if I wired the doorbell and set it for manual chime (It had to be both for it to work.), that the Echo Show would allow the camera to display on the screen. And the digital chime set in the Alexa app still works even though its set for manual chime in the Blink App. I’ve since changed my rating after getting it to work. I do wish information for this was made more available to customers by Amazon. I really appreciate the lady in the reviews who had the same issue and noted it there.______________________I was really excited because I finally had an excuse to buy an Echo Show. My goal was to replace my currently broken doorbell with a video doorbell that will show who is at the door. I was elated when I saw the deliveries. I set up the Show then the doorbell. Imagine my surprise after I completed all the setup and said, “Alexa, show Doorbell Camera” and the response was “That feature is not supported.” It comes across great on the Blink App, but I need that Show for the folks in the house who I’m not putting on the app. I am so disappointed. I feel like I wasted time and money. I thought that having Amazon products would work to my benefit as I believed there would be a greater level of compatibility. I should have researched more thoroughly and maybe gone with another company.

    A 11 personas les resultó útil

  39. Jose

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Algo incompleta

    Es muy bueno el sonido exepto cuando esta al nivel 100 de igual manera tiene un exelente sonido , la pantalla táctil es poco práctica casi no tiene muchas aplicaciones para sacarle provecho y las que tiene como Spotify, YouTube, estan algo incompletas,no tiene Netflix , pero si tiene prime video lo que no me parece que tenga sentido, sin embargo es muy buen dispositivo solo recomiendo comprarlo cuando este en oferta

  40. MichaelSMichaelS

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great except for the goofy night clock face

    Update: 6/11/23 Amazon has changed the nighttime clock to a nice Red against a black background. Yay!!I have the new 2023 Echo Show 5. I set it up to use Night Mode. But I don’t recall being able to pick a clock face for that. It’s sort of goofy looking and don’t know if this just what the Echo only uses or there are other choices. I’ve attached two pics. The Normal one I did choose with the wood grain background and the nighttime one. Also it’s clear to me how that one started and what let it end and go back to the normal one.I found the sound to be good. Maybe not as good as the Gen4 Dot w/Clock. But very close. Increasing the midrange and the treble, about 20% on the on-screen equalizer, would probably be helpful. Bass is the same as Gen4 Dot. I also have the Gen5 Dot, but it’s in another room, so I didn’t take the time to compare the sound with that. Most likely, the new Show5 would be close as well, with some upward tweaks on the sound settings. I really didn’t buy these for great sound machines.Lastly, returning to that Clock concern, The screen also dims down automatically. but because the numbers are blue, can’t see it very well. It’s almost like they made the most important parts of the number more solid colored, versus transparent, so it would not have to be as bright. I do wish it was white (like the Dot w/Clock I replace this with. Or green. I tried turning off the night mode, but the brightness has to be controlled directly on the screen of the Show. There are no Routine commands to change the brightness that I could find.All in all, I like it because of the information, that I can see on the screen during the day. I turned off all of the annoying rotational info, except weather alerts and the weather. I plan on keeping it.

    A 66 personas les resultó útil

  41. Candy Coco

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Good product

    When i bought it, I thought it was a little bigger than what it was. But other than that I really like it. And I can actually check up on my elderly parents while I’m away from home.

  42. shelly kimball

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Works great

    I love my Alexa, I love this even more..it’s in my kitchen, I use it for my ring doorbell camera.I can’t just saw show me the front door, walla!! Also, plays music, can get a recipe without touching anything, or make a phone call..another great product 👍

  43. Teresa

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Fun, but harder to control

    I own one of the original Echos. When this Echo Show went on sale, I felt I had to have it. I wanted to video call with my family and friends and continue to use it as I have been using my Echo. This Echo Show will not automatically light up in low light like I think it should on “auto brightness”. It’s lucky I do not “need” it at night. Secondly, the commands I give are not received the same way as with my original Echo. For example, if I want Echo Show to stop the playing music, I have to say “Alexa, Stop.” With the old one, I can say “Alexa, stop the music,” or any other combination of that and it stops. Echo Show does not respond as quickly, and I do not know why. I love streaming the news in the morning, and I am glad I have it. Just trying to get used to the differences between the two machines.

    A 31 personas les resultó útil

  44. Sue Meza

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    It’s perfect for my bedside table!

    I love having it next to my bed! I listen to music, watch videos, make shopping lists and more! When im curious about the weather its right there. I got a base for it and it’s nice to look at. Sound is awesome.

  45. jbatti

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Very nice

    This is my second Echo. I really like using it but the directions are not easy to follow. I have to program it several times before I can figure out how to get it to do what I want it to.

  46. Steplander

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    The microphone does seem to hear me very well

    I have a few Alexa units. All work pretty well. This one, however, doesn’t seem to hear my voice commands very well. I speak clearly and loud enough but I find I have to repeat a command a few times in order for it to respond.The audio is pretty good for such a small unit.Works well with my ring doorBell.

  47. Jahayra Silvestre

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Really god to stay communicated!

    I have a 2 floors home… My bedroom is in the second floor and my kids bedroom is in the 1st floor, soooo is difficult for me to call them or tray to say anything to them… So I bough a 2nd Alexa and now I call my kid every time I want that they come upstairs or if i want to give them a message. Is also great to listen music and really good for video calls. Definitely will buy some more to fill my house with Alexas 🙂

  48. Gabrielle

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    So so

    It’s been okay. Maybe I’ll enjoy it more when I get my outdoor ring cameras set up.I do love the sound effects and it’s perfect for having a dance party in the living room with the kids. There’s probably still a lot I need ti learn about it!!

  49. Robin P. Harris

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Had I known this does what it does . . . .

    Now that I have one of these I wish I had more!! I know whats going on my Christmas list this year. Its lie having karaoke 24/7. I love when the words come on the screen to the song that is playing. I can see people coming to my door without having to quickly get on my phone. Love it and need one for every room. Hahaha

  50. F. Duffy

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Very pleased with the Echo Show 5.

    We have started to make our house smarter by using Alexa and smart bulbs and plugs. It’s nice to come home and be able to turn on the outside light at night and not stumble in the dark. We plan on buying more smart products in the future. I recommend this product.

  51. Heather F.

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    decent for price

    decent for the price. only a 5 inch screen so resolution obviously isn’t as good as the echo show 15. voice recognition works perfectly. Easy to set up. Required download upon download upon setup. perfect for a spare room or basement. wouldn’t recommend for the primary base.

  52. Robert

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Now I can hear my Show and it can hear me!

    I hated the previous version of the Echo Show 5 because it could never hear me and I could not hear it. It worked fine if you were in a very quiet room, but I had the Show in my kitchen. I would have scream to get Alexa to respond — and even then it often did not. Amazon appears to have fixed the sound issue on this version.

  53. kashenakashena

    5.0 de 5 estrellas


    Super cute and not bulky. I use it while I’m getting ready for work and taking a shower. I placed it in my bathroom and it doesn’t take up to much space.

  54. Melissa

    4.0 de 5 estrellas


    I love it of course it’s my fault because I didn’t check that I mentioned before and I was just because something bigger back for the price. It’s worth, and it’s perfect for a small apartments like mine. It doesn’t take too much space on the table.

  55. LLW

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    The Echo Show and I have become fast friends

    I talk to Alexa almost every morning for a weather report. She’s always sharing some of my favorite photos. She’s great about answering my questions and honest when she doesn’t know something or understand my question. We get along fabulously.

  56. Caboose

    5.0 de 5 estrellas


    I have Echo Show in a larger size, which is perfect, but this one is much too small to see. It was a replacement for the defective one I have, but a smaller size was sent rather than the size I need.

  57. Thomas P.

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great if you get it on sale.

    I got this during Prime day for $45. Absolutely worth every penny. For $90 though, I’m not so sure. It does what it says on the tin so to speak.Sounds good. Better than my Echo Dot I got a few years ago.Best of all, Alexa understands my Artist name on it. The Dot NEVER gets it. If your Alexa device can discern “Oswaldo Von Schnoobenstein” and play my music, then it’s a good Alexa device! I was so happy my Echo show 5 3rd gen was able to get it right every time. Sorry, not really trying to plug myself, but I was always frustrated my dot could never understand my artist name. When this one did, it impressed me.

    A una persona le resultó útil

  58. Robin

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Pefect assistant

    I was hesitant to buy a voice-assistant. I would have never guessed I would like it and use it so much. It has come in so handy to give commands hands-free. Very easy to set up, and great price for all that it does. Easy to add items and commands with other devices, such as Blink security cameras. Great upgrade to alarm clock!

  59. Chadd

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    It works

    Actually got this bundled with a ring doorbell and so far no complaints.I probably have every echo made and this one is good. Does a lot more than I expected and with decent sound quality.

  60. Lorac4983

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Love the size!!!

    Love the size of this for my bedroom, it is VERY nice and the quality is as good as the bigger version which I also have.

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