
Echo dot 5 promoEcho dot 5 promo

Echo Dot con reloj (5.ª generación) | Bocina inteligente con reloj y Alexa| 2 focos inteligentes


(60 valoraciones de clientes)








Sobre este articulo

  • NUESTRO ECHO DOT CON MEJOR SONIDO ACTUALMENTE – Disfruta de una experiencia de audio superior a los Echo Dot anteriores con Alexa, en la que obtendrás voces más nítidas, graves más profundos y sonido vibrante en cualquier habitación.
  • MIRA EL TIEMPO Y MÁS DE UN VISTAZO – El indicador LED mejorado muestra clima, títulos de canciones y más.
  • TU MÚSICA Y CONTENIDO FAVORITOS – Reproduce música, audiolibros y podcasts en Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify y otros servicios o a través de Bluetooth en tu hogar.
  • ALEXA TE AYUDA CON GUSTO – Pídele a Alexa que muestre el clima y títulos de canciones, que ponga timers, que responda tus preguntas e incluso que te cuente un chiste. ¿Quieres dormir unos minutos más por la mañana? Toca ligeramente la parte superior del Echo Dot con reloj para posponer tu alarma.
  • MANTÉN UN AMBIENTE ACOGEDOR EN TU CASA – Controla dispositivos de Casa Inteligente compatibles con la voz y rutinas que activan acciones utilizando los sensores integrados de temperatura interior y movimiento. Crea rutinas para encender automáticamente luces compatibles cuando entres a una habitación o para encender un ventilador si la temperatura interior se eleva más allá de tu zona de confort.
  • APROVECHA AL MÁXIMO LA VINCULACIÓN DE DISPOSITIVOS – Llena tu casa con música usando dispositivos Echo compatibles en distintas habitaciones, crea un sistema de cine en casa con Fire TV
  • DISEÑO QUE PROTEGE TU PRIVACIDAD – Amazon no se dedica a vender tu información personal a terceros. Cuenta con varias capas de controles de privacidad, incluyendo un botón para desactivar los micrófonos.
  • CLIMATE PLEDGE FRIENDLY – Consideramos la sostenibilidad en el diseño de este dispositivo; el 100% del empaque se puede reciclar, el 95% de la tela es material reciclado posconsumo y el 50% del plástico es material reciclado posconsumo.

Tamaño pequeño, grandes posibilidades

Nuestro parlante inteligente más popular cuenta con un diseño estilizado y un indicador LED mejorado que muestra la hora, el clima, títulos de canciones y más. Además, disfrutas de un sonido vibrante en cualquier lugar de tu casa, puedes mantenerte al día con Alexa y controlar dispositivos compatibles de Smart Home cuando detecten movimiento.

Sonido vibrante


Detección de movimiento


Controles de privacidad

Climate pledge friendly

Nuestro Echo Dot con mejor sonido actualmente

Alt text

Este Echo Dot tiene un parlante con calidad de audio mejorada, voces más nítidas y graves más profundos para que el sonido sea intenso y vibrante. Solo pídele a Alexa que ponga música, podcasts y audiolibros para disfrutar de una experiencia de audio dinámica en cualquier lugar de tu casa. Más información sobre las opciones de entretenimiento con Alexa.

Alexa te ayuda con gusto

Simplifica tu vida en casa. Alexa tiene todo lo necesario para ayudarte durante el día con actualizaciones del clima y noticias, timers y recordatorios controlados por voz, respuestas a tus preguntas, e incluso puede contar chistes.

Mantén un ambiente acogedor y seguro en tu casa

“Alexa, enciende la luz de la sala.”







Activa Rutinas por movimiento

Se vincula con luces compatibles, termostatos y más. El Echo Dot te permite controlar tu Smart Home usando la voz, el movimiento o la temperatura interior. Crea rutinas para apagar las luces o poner música a una hora específica o cuando entres en una habitación. Obtén más información sobre las distintas formas en que puedes conectar tu dispositivo de hogar inteligente.

Administra la seguridad de tu hogar con facilidad

Suscríbete a Alexa Guard Plus para obtener acceso por voz a la línea de emergencia, recibir alertas sobre la actividad que sucede mientras estás fuera de casa y ahuyentar a posibles intrusos. Más información sobre Alexa Guard Plus.

Toca ligeramente la parte superior para pausar tu música o alarma

Puedes pausar una canción, terminar una llamada o detener una alarma con tan solo tocar la parte posterior del dispositivo. ¿Quieres dormir unos minutos más? Toca ligeramente la parte superior del dispositivo para posponer la alarma.

Los dispositivos Alexa y Echo están hechos con varias capas de protección de privacidad.

Aprovecha al máximo la vinculación de dispositivos

Echo Dot + otro Echo

Llena tu casa con música usando dispositivos Echo compatibles en distintas habitaciones. Más información sobre el audio Multi-room.

Echo Dot + Fire TV

Configura el cine en casa con Alexa usando dispositivos compatibles para ver la televisión con sonido inmersivo. Más información sobre la funcionalidad Cine en casa con Alexa.

Echo Dot + router wifi eero

Extiende el rango de cobertura de tu wifi y despídete de las desconexiones y del tiempo de espera de carga con la integración de eero en una red eero compatible. Más información sobre la integración de eero.

Fácil de configurar y usar

Paso 1

Conecta el Echo Dot.

Paso 2

Conéctate a Internet usando la app de Alexa.

Paso 3

Pídele a Alexa que ponga música, que te diga el estado del clima, cuáles son las noticas y mucho más.

Todos los días son el Día de la Tierra

No hace falta ser científico medioambiental para tomar decisiones sostenibles. Tomamos en cuenta la sostenibilidad en el diseño de este dispositivo. Aquí te explicamos cómo:



El 50% del plástico es material reciclado posconsumo
El 95% de la tela es material reciclado posconsumo Esto incluye el dispositivo, el cable y el adaptador


Empaque del dispositivo

El 100% del material del empaque de este dispositivo se puede reciclar. Esto no incluye el empaque del centro logístico.


Energía limpia

Amazon está construyendo nuevas plantas eólicas y solares para producir energía limpia equivalente a la electricidad que utiliza este dispositivo.


Modo de bajo consumo

Para reducir el consumo de energía, este dispositivo entrará en modo de bajo consumo cuando esté inactivo. El modo de bajo consumo no está disponible para ciertas configuraciones de usuario. Para obtener más información, consulta las restricciones del modo de bajo consumo.


Dale una segunda vida

Puede que en algún momento quieras vender o reciclar el dispositivo. Explora las opciones con Amazon Second Chance.

Descripción técnica

Echo Dot (5.ª generación) con reloj

Echo Dot (5.ª generación) con reloj

Tamaño 3.9” x 3.9” x 3.5” (100 x 100 x 89 mm)
Peso 10.7 oz (304 g) El tamaño y peso reales podrían variar en función del proceso de fabricación
Audio Parlante con proyección frontal de 1.73” (44 mm), alta definición sin pérdidas
Indicador Indicador LED
Conectividad wifi El wifi de doble banda es compatible con redes 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (2.4 y 5 GHz). No admite la conexión con redes wifi ad hoc (peer-to-peer, también conocida como red de pares).
Amazon Sidewalk Una red compartida que ayuda a que los dispositivos compatibles funcionen mejor en casa y más allá de la puerta. Si se pierde la conexión wifi, Sidewalk permite que determinados dispositivos sigan conectados. Además, Sidewalk ayuda a que dispositivos como aspersores de agua y localizadores de mascotas funcionen en distancias más largas. Sidewalk utiliza una pequeña parte de tu ancho de banda de Internet para brindarte estas ventajas tanto a ti como a tus vecinos a través de Sidewalk Bridges (dispositivos Echo y Ring participantes), y está activada en tu dispositivo a menos que hayas desactivado la configuración previamente. Puedes desactivar Sidewalk en cualquier momento. Obtener más información sobre Sidewalk.
Protocolos de Smart Home WiFi, Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh, y Matter
Conectividad Bluetooth Compatibilidad con perfil de distribución de audio avanzado (A2DP, por sus siglas en inglés) para el streaming de audio desde tu dispositivo móvil al Echo Dot, o desde el Echo Dot a tu parlante Bluetooth. Perfil de control remoto para audio y video (AVRCP, por sus siglas en inglés) para controlar por voz los dispositivos móviles conectados. El control por voz no es compatible con dispositivos Mac OS X. Los parlantes Bluetooth que requieren códigos PIN no se admiten.
Integración de eero Su red wifi debe usar un enrutador eero compatible y su dispositivo Echo debe permanecer dentro del alcance de un dispositivo eero compatible. Deberá vincular sus cuentas de eero y Amazon y administrar eero desde la aplicación móvil de eero para usar esta función. Los dispositivos Echo integrados compatibles de eero admiten hasta 1,000 pies cuadrados de cobertura adicional, velocidades de hasta 100 Mbps y 10 o menos dispositivos conectados en la banda de 5 GHz. El rendimiento real puede variar y es posible que algunas funcionalidades de eero, Echo o Alexa no sean compatibles con eero integrado. Obtén más información sobre el rendimiento, la disponibilidad y la compatibilidad de eero integrado. El uso de eero, así como el de productos y servicios relacionados con eero, incluyendo eero integrado, requieren crear una cuenta de eero y aceptar los términos de servicio de eero. Revisa el aviso de privacidad de eero.
Requisitos del sistema El Echo Dot viene listo para conectarse a tu red wifi. La app de Alexa es compatible con dispositivos Fire OS, Android y iOS; además, puedes acceder a ella en un navegador web. Sistemas operativos compatibles. Es posible que algunos servicios y Skills requieran una suscripción u otras tarifas.
Tecnología de configuración La configuración fácil Wi-Fi Simple Setup de Amazon permite conectar dispositivos inteligentes a la red wifi en tan solo unos cuantos pasos fáciles. Este es otro ejemplo de las mejoras constantes de Alexa. Obtén más información sobre esta configuración sencilla.
Garantía y servicio Garantía limitada de 90 días y servicio. Las garantías extendidas opcionales de 1 año2 años, and 3 años estarán disponibles para los clientes en Estados Unidos y se venden por separado. El uso del Echo Dot está sujeto a estos términos.
Funcionalidades de accesibilidad Para activar las funciones que personalizan Alexa según tus capacidades, ve a Ajustes → Accesibilidad en la app de Alexa.
• Escucha Adaptativa brinda a los clientes más tiempo para terminar de hablar antes de que Alexa responda.
• Velocidad de Habla Preferida permite a los clientes controlar la velocidad a la que habla Alexa. Para habilitar, di “Alexa, habla más lento” o “Alexa, habla más rápido”.
• Solicitar Sonido reproducirá un tono audible además del indicador visual cuando hables con Alexa.
• Kindle Leer en voz alta hará que Alexa lea tus libros Kindle en voz alta.
• Notificar Cuando Esté Cerca reproducirá sonidos de notificación cuando te detecten cerca de tu dispositivo Echo.
• Las funciones de accesibilidad de Alexa también incluyen otras configuraciones para clientes con necesidades de accesibilidad relacionadas con la visión, la audición, la movilidad y el habla.
Contenido de la caja Echo Dot, adaptador de corriente blanco (15 W) y Guía de inicio rápido.
Generación Echo Dot (5.ª generación) con reloj – Modelo de 2022
Funcionalidades de privacidad Tecnología de palabra de activación, indicadores de streaming, botón para activar/desactivar los micrófonos, opción de consultar y eliminar las grabaciones de voz, y mucho más. Visita el portal de privacidad de Alexa para entender cómo es que Alexa y los dispositivos Echo protegen tu privacidad.
Idioma Alexa habla español e inglés
Skills y funcionalidades de Alexa Alexa brinda comodidad, valor y diversión a tu vida permitiéndote controlar con la voz todo lo que te rodea. También puede ayudarte a disfrutar al máximo de las cosas que te gusta hacer y encontrar nuevas ideas que nunca habías imaginado. Descubre y obtén más información sobre todo lo que Alexa puede hacer.
Actualizaciones de seguridad del software Las actualizaciones de seguridad del software de este dispositivo están garantizadas por lo menos cuatro años después de que el dispositivo deja de estar disponible a la venta como producto nuevo en nuestros sitios web. Obtén más información sobre estas actualizaciones de seguridad del software. Si ya tienes un Amazon Echo, consulta la opción Administrar contenido y dispositivos para obtener información específica sobre tu dispositivo.



60 valoraciones en Echo Dot con reloj (5.ª generación) | Bocina inteligente con reloj y Alexa| 2 focos inteligentes

  1. Amazon Customer

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Love it!!

    Love listening to my music on it, and getting news, and weather updates. Or, just for regular information when I don’t feel like getting on my phone to look up stuff.Love the LED Screen!!

  2. F Reese

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Works pretty good til I ask it something about lights

    Works pretty good but it does not respond (connectivity) when I ask it to turn my light on or off, up or down sometimes. It says light is not responding. When I go to the app it’s not “on” and I have to sit there and play with the system a minute or two to get it back online I guess. This has happened a few times. I’ve called about it but have gotten no results. Other than that I enjoy it. The quality of the speaker sounds pretty good.

  3. Stacy Zellner

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Alexa for the win!

    Great product. I love the clock and the way it identifies the song when playing. I would buy again.

  4. Thalia Wight

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    It’s good

    This is a pretty good product. The only catch that I have with it is it sometimes doesn’t recognize that I’m trying to talk to it and will ignore me. Don’t get me wrong there’s a lot of noise that goes on where I’m at so that could be part of the issue. I just wish it had better detection in that regard as a speaker as an alarm clock as an efficient companion for a lack of a way to put it, it is extremely well done

    A 4 personas les resultó útil

  5. Amazon Customer

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Cool look.

    Replaced a desk clock with this because I like to glance over to see time once in a while. Glad I did. Have some of the older Echo Dots that I will probably replace with this now. Better speaker. Better look.

  6. Joe RJoe R

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Sounds great and has the time

    I replaced all my dots with these due to better sound and they tell the time. I now use these as my bedroom clocks.

  7. S. MartinS. Martin

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Love the new look!

    So far I really like that this one has a clock on it, it shows me the songs that’s being played, and it was very easy to sync with my other echo dot.

  8. LilBoWeep

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    I love my dot

    It can be testy at times and I have to touch it to get its attention. If the volume is to high, it can’t hear you yelling at it to lower volume. Constantly asking if I was to upgrade or buy something.. my elderly parents are on my account (I bought one for every room. And I have a constant fear they may accidentally upgrade or buy something by mistake

  9. Gisselle Rios

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Use it everyday

    Amazing for listening to music while in the shower! It gives you the time and is great quality! The clarity of music is perfect!

  10. ccchef2002

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Just as advertised.

    This is a very handy and useful device. I use it for almost everything that Alexa is capable of doing. The front display is very bright and adapts to the ambient perfectly.

  11. Cory Maffeo

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    A perfect blend of form and function

    The Cloud Blue Echo Dot (5th Gen, 2022 release) has completely changed my daily routine by integrating cutting-edge technology into an elegant form factor. This smart speaker has been an invaluable addition to my home, providing me with the services of Alexa as well as serving as a stylish and practical clock.I was immediately drawn to the Cloud Blue hue of my new Echo Dot with clock because of how softly it injects a burst of energy into any room. The device’s compact size makes it suitable for use in any room of the house, from the bedroom to the kitchen. Amazon’s commitment to offering products that complement a wide range of aesthetic preferences is reflected in the subtlety of this one.This smart speaker stands out from the crowd because to its built-in LED clock display. This seemingly minor modification has transformed my Echo Dot from a simple alarm clock into a multifunctional wristwatch. The LED display is easy to read from across the room, and its brightness can be adjusted so that it doesn’t keep me up at night. Having the ability to switch between a 12-hour and 24-hour clock face as well as adjusting the clock’s brightness is a nice touch.The Echo Dot’s brilliance lies in its voice-activated functions, which are made possible by Alexa. Setting alarms, checking the weather, listening to music, and controlling smart home equipment may all be done with just a few phrases. The sound from the 5th generation Echo Dot is superior to those of its predecessors, filling the room with music that is both crisp and balanced. Whether I’m listening to my go-to podcast or a constantly evolving playlist, the Echo Dot always delivers excellent sound quality.Voice control is surprisingly reliable because to the system’s several microphones, which allow Alexa to hear my commands even in noisy environments. I was blown away by how well the voice recognition worked. It almost never fails to comply with my demands and provides instant feedback. The Echo Dot has become an indispensable device, allowing me to effortlessly access information, schedule updates, and entertainment.Since privacy and security are so important in today’s interconnected world, I am overjoyed by the privacy safeguards Amazon has implemented in the Echo Dot. The ability to switch off the microphones is a convenient feature that allows me to enjoy some peace and quiet whenever I need it. Amazon’s openness about data usage and the ability to review and delete voice recordings via the Alexa app are further indications of the company’s commitment to user control and data protection.Setting up the Echo Dot was a breeze with the help of the intuitive Alexa app, which took me through the process. The process of linking the device to my Wi-Fi network and making my desired adjustments was quick and painless. The Echo Dot is a good long-term investment because Amazon regularly updates its software to include the most recent features and enhancements.The Echo Dot (5th Gen, 2022) with clock is a great example of smart technology that has been simplified to perform a single, specific task in a time when smart technology may sometimes seem overwhelming. The combination of a high-tech watch and Alexa’s brainpower has made my regular tasks much more manageable and enjoyable. The Echo Dot adapts easily to my needs, whether I’m setting an alarm to gently wake me up in the morning or just listening to my favorite music. This smart speaker has seamlessly integrated into my life at home and become an essential tool. The Echo Dot with clock has undeniably merited its five-star rating for its top-notch functionality, sleek design, and helpful contribution to today’s simplified lifestyle.

    A 185 personas les resultó útil

  12. Aditya Kumar

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Amazing Product

    Very good purchase, the clock is an underrated feature and I definitely dont regret the extra 10 bucks I spent on it. Sound is amazing, very functional.

    A una persona le resultó útil

  13. DJ ELITE (@TheRealDjElite)

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Echo Dot 5th Gen: Clearer Sound, Enhanced Display, Sustainable Design

    The 5th Gen Amazon Echo Dot with clock has completely revolutionized my life. The audio quality is unparalleled, with crystal-clear vocals, deep bass, and immersive sound that effortlessly fills the entire room. The LED display is a game-changer, providing me with quick updates on the time, weather, and upcoming alarms with just a glance. Alexa has become my ultimate personal assistant, effortlessly handling everything from news updates to controlling my smart home devices. Streaming my favorite songs from various music platforms like Amazon Music, Apple Music, or Spotify has never been more convenient, and the Bluetooth connectivity ensures that the music follows me wherever I go in the house. It feels like pure magic to control my smart home devices with simple voice commands, whether it’s adjusting the lights, locking the doors, or creating the perfect ambiance for a movie night. Moreover, the dedicated mic off button ensures my privacy and gives me peace of mind. The ability to pair it with other Echo devices for multi-room audio or create a home theater system with Fire TV takes the experience to a whole new level. Additionally, the device’s commitment to sustainability, from its recyclable packaging to the use of post-consumer recycled materials, makes me proud of my purchase. In summary, this Echo Dot is an absolute essential for anyone seeking to elevate their home life with intelligent and eco-friendly technology.

    A 2 personas les resultó útil

  14. Woodburck Noe

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Amazing, Versatile, Smart Device

    So much information you can get; so much you can do with this amazing, versatile, smart device! Sounds nice with a good display. 😀💡🎬

  15. Jazz

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great for programming things around the house! But a few adjustments would be nice.

    I have several Amazon Alexas. This one was a need for the new house, so that I had a speaker in one of the new rooms. I use the The echo for things like: Turning on or off the lights, playing music, weather, and the clock face on the front. The devices is a helpful little thing to have around. it can run routine (So It can turn of lights after you’ve left your house, start or stop music for kids or pets, all on a timer. And can make simple tasks simpler. It does have a mute button as well (So it stops listening to you) Which is nice, too.The only complaints I have about the alexa device is:-It’s biased. I don’t know what I was expecting from an amazon product. If I needed to know where I can watch a specific movie, the alexa will tell me “For rent on Amazon for 3.99 or purchase for 14.99” When What I wanted was a list of places. I ask google the same question and id get a much less biased response. “Disney plus, Youtube, Vudu, Amazon prime, Google play movies” Etc. That’s what I wanted to know.-Alexa pops in on convos: These devices are a little tricky and only let you name them of a select few options. So if you talk about Computers a lot and you name your device computer, it will pick up on it. Same with Alexa, and echo. Sometimes, the device recognizes the conversation was not for it and will simply disregard the command. and sometimes it will pick up on what you said and assume you asked something. In which your conversation will be interrupted by “Bob ross was born on October 29th, 1942 -” (We weren’t even talking about bob ross which was pretty funny XD) Not gonna lie, it can be fun. but it can also be inconvenient.-Echo does not call 911.Which I thought would be kind of a cool option incase you got in some issue and needed help, where you couldn’t reach a phone yourself. (Im not elderly and struggle some with this issue, but I thought it was kinda sucky that it couldn’t do that.) It can call contacts and your own phone though! So if you need to find your phone and you have it programmed to, you can say “Alexa, find my phone” And it’ll call you.

    A 16 personas les resultó útil

  16. Jane D

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Would purchase again

    Update 3/10/2024 – Item is being returned even after doing a factory reset it would not continue to play Amazon Music without constant interruptions. However, I do want to call out the Tech Support person Vijay who spent quite a bit of time assisting via a chat. Very patient and helpful. Thank you!Update 3/8/2024 – I would not purchase this item again nor any of the Amazon devices based on the issues with this item and the poor technical support I’ve received thus far. I’ve moved it to 4 different places in my home, rebooted it & my home network. It continues to randomly turn off when playing Amazon Music. I’m not having issues with any other device and do not have many devices running. I’ve asked for it to turn off after a certain number of hours and also, as tech support suggested, even asked to play in an endless loop (which as I told them made no sense). Also ensured my Alexa software is updated. Seems this is a known issue with this item. I’m going to do a factory reset which is all that’s left other than returning it…..which will be the first time I’ve had to return anything I’ve ordered. I hope the return process is easier than this has been.Update 2/11 – This Echo still does not continue playing music as expected. I can give a turn off command of a XX hours and it will turn off way before then. I’ve restarted it, moved it, etc and still continues to be problematic. It can not be my network as this is the only device I have an issue with.This is the first Echo product I’ve purchased. and I must admit the sound from this is very nice. My primary use of it is to play music and it sounds excellent. I am having a problem with the music shutting off. No rhyme nor reason nor specific amount of time. I’ve just tested it to see if i can give a turn off time “Alexa turn music off at XXXX time” so see if that helps. I have no issues with my WiFi and have very few devices running so can’t be the issue. Lastly and most importantly, my dog is afraid of the Alexa voice coming from the Echo. I’ve tried to acclimate her slowly and introduce her to the sound of it (with the music) without her hearing Alexa voice. She does ok until she hears Alexa voice and she’s still afraid of it. I have to be cognizant of her whereabouts when using it. I’ve read about other dogs being afraid – not sure if it’s frequency or Alexa voice.

    A 8 personas les resultó útil

  17. Rocket Man

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    My Alexa Echo Collection Keeps growing for a Reason!

    I have 12 Echoes in my house, This cool white round echo looks so classy in my spare bedroom. It has a digital clock face on it for the guests to check the time and it matched the decor of the room with the elegant white color.The sound is deep and of high quality. I love this echo!

  18. Anthony R.

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Alexa works great.

    I can play any music I want just by telling Alexa what to play. Weather update as well. Can also set alarm reminders. Good quality!

  19. Farragut’s Order

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Nifty Gizmo, Tricky Set-up, but Still a Bug

    I am a longtime internet radio listener. Suddenly, and without warning (for me), Logitech recently pulled the plug on their servers after 10 years and instantly obsoleted the three internet radios I had around the house. I decided on Echo Dots as probably being the best solution to replace the radios.And indeed that is the case. Like my radios, with TuneIn on the Dots I can access just about any genre of audio format programming from around the world with a simple “Alexa play…”Sonically, these little guys are quite impressive given their size. They’re not going to fill a room with concert-hall-quality sound but that’s not what they’re primarily designed to do.As for Alexa integration and set up, I did not find that to be as easy as Amazon suggests. The Dots come with minimalist setup instructions that basically say download the app, plug in the Dot, and follow the prompts. However, my router is partitioned into Primary, Internet of Things, and Guest. I wanted to install the Dots on my IoT. But an option was never given to select the partition I wanted. Apparently the Dots were going to install on whatever network the tablet was on that I was using for setup. It took me a while to work through what to do in order to get them installed as I wanted.There were also other problems that needed to be solved through trial and error that required some googling to figure out. Eventually the first Dot sprung to life but I still don’t really have a good grip on what I did to make that happen. Luckily, once the first Dot was installed, the other two were essentially PnP. But the whole process took hours, not minutes, along with a fair amount of anxiety and uncertainty about what I was doing. NOT.SO.SIMPLE.I also don’t find the Alexa app to be very user friendly. It’s not at all intuitive and takes a fair amount of internet searching just to find out what you can do with the Dots let alone make it happen.Finally, no one should ever forget that in days of yore, government agents would either have to sneak into your home or get court orders to place a bug. The old East German Stasi would never have believed that people would willingly bug themselves like this. These smart speakers are listening devices you are voluntarily putting in your home or office that listen to everything you say, presumably just waiting for the magic word “Alexa” before they start processing the information you provide. As paranoid as it may sound, it doesn’t take too much imagination for how these devices could be employed or hacked to violate someone’s personal privacy in some places around the world now or in the future.Fortunately, the Dots have a prominent button to turn off the microphone so you can lower the Cone of Silence when necessary (assuming you really want to believe that the mic couldn’t be turned back on by a determined foe). The problem, however, is that these Dots are so small and unobtrusive that they just fade into the background, out of sight and out of mind. You forget they’re there and listening!

  20. L. A. Friedman

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Dot, Dot, Dot

    Needed to replace an ancient radio/alarm clock that finally gave up the ghost. I’m not into having a smart home, e.g., I don’t need to control my washing machine remotely, don’t need to peer inside my refrigerator while I’m at work, etc. Just more to go wrong and have to fix. Plus it’s spooky. But my little foray into Dot land has been lovely. Easy to set up and easy to use. Even bought a second one to use on another floor to play music and use as a sort of intercom. However, I could do without the notifications that my Amazon order has been delivered or that I need to reorder vitamins. That does freak me out. I guess I should know enough to realize that privacy is pretty much out the window these days.

  21. onewac

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Really nice to have

    I actually have found this to be quite useful. To be fair, I basically use it to listen to my music from both Amazon and iTunes. My clock by the computer (yes I now, computer has a clock but hey, I am old! lol!). The music sounds good as well. I don’t really use Alexia much so can’t speak to that. The only I would like them to add would be the date as in the month and date plus the day of the week it is.

  22. Hailey R.

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Love it!!

    I almost waited until this went on sale to snag it but prime day is a ways away. Even not on sale this is a great gadget! I’ve had a lot of different Alexa devices and for what I was looking for for my bedroom nightstand it’s awesome. Sound is GREAT on it for music and the clock is a great addition to the dot. It’s great if you’re looking for something more than the dot since it has the clock but you don’t want the echo show, I love my echo show as well and I have one in my kitchen but wasn’t looking for that for my bedroom. For a master bedroom it’s wonderful!!

  23. Nautalicious

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Love this new Alexa

    Great Alexa to have in the room. Gives the grandparents a quick answer and respond

  24. EV

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Deceptively more capable than it might seem and easy to use

    I really just bought this Echo Dot to serve as a door bell chime for our new video door bell and discovered it can do a lot more. Now the little dot runs most of our house. It greets us in the morning, turns on/off the lights and space heater in the basement bathroom before I go down there and plays the news for me when I wakeup. Probably going to get at least one more for other rooms of the house. I might suggest that they add the impressive led display to all Echo products.

  25. Collins Beagle

    5.0 de 5 estrellas


    Saved me hours of time and frustration. Jesse was amazing and so patient!!

  26. Kate

    5.0 de 5 estrellas


    I got this as a gift and was worried I would need a subscription or have Amazon Prime to be able to use it but all you’ll need is the Alexa app. I specifically was asking for a Bluetooth speaker and an alarm clock that I can dim the display on so it’s not so bright while I’m trying to sleep. I got this and it’s like two in one. I will end up getting a separate Bluetooth speaker since this has to stay plugged into the wall but I can connect my Spotify through the app and it will play my music that way. You can turn the ring light off through the app (I think it’s the “do not disturb” feature) and still ask Alexa for whatever you need. Before, I was flipping my old alarm clock on its face to keep the light from bothering me but now I can ask Alexa the time, turn the display on and off, and ask for the weather all from my bed and without getting on my phone. Alexa is shockingly good at hearing what I’m asking for even if I’m not talking loud or on the other side of the room which is nice so I can keep the noise down so as to not bother my roommate. I’m so happy with this and will be recommending it to anyone.

    A 2 personas les resultó útil

  27. M. Filmer

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Easy set up and useful

    I bought this for my teenage daughter for Xmas and now she says she can’t live without it. She set it up herself and uses it everyday to turn on music, set alarms, control her lights and many other things. I like that it isn’t linked to one individual voice so I could use it too when I was painting her room.

  28. Margaret S.

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Very useful

    Ability to move locations in the house! Speech is clear and easy to understand

  29. John Lillard

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Speaker is very good

    Replaced a dot with this. It has a very good speaker and looks much better

  30. Atachia Loving

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Echo 5th gen

    I was skeptical at first about buying an echo then a friend of mine introduced me to his. I bought one for myself and I love it. The timers/& alarms are a wonderful benefit for my busy schedule and life.

  31. Amazon Customer

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Love my personal assistant

    I never thought that I would like a listening device in my room, but I’ve since changed my mind. You can adjust it so it’s not listening all the time and only wakes up to keyword. I can ask at the temperature in my room the temperature outside on and off my lights tells me the news. Alexa even tells a joke when asked. Alexa

  32. Queen B

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Alexa gift

    I have bought over 10 of these devices from the beginning generation. I have never bought one for myself because I received my first from USPS as an employee for appreciation day. I really like mine so have always given them away for gifts. Perfect gift. Highly recommend 😊

  33. Ken South Carolina

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Is what it says

    Is what it says it is wish they may bigger better speakers I’d be willing to pay more for better quality music but this does exactly what it says it and is better than the old ones

  34. Katie Blankenship

    5.0 de 5 estrellas


    I love Alexa. I’ll enjoy being able to play my music in the kitchen. Set in a timer’s multiple timers. Everything that makes life just a little bit easier.

  35. Lauren E.

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    The perfect smart speaker for any room (and maybe even across nations!)

    This is my third time buying the Echo Dot with clock, and I’m still obsessed! I originally bought two for my dad – one for his bedroom and one for the kitchen. He absolutely loves them. The LED display with automatic brightness adjustment is perfect, and he uses it constantly to check the time, weather, and set timers. The motion detection is a bonus feature!The sound quality is great, and my dad loves that he can use them as a combined speaker setup. Funnily enough, one time he even accidentally connected with my Echo Dot overseas. Definitely a cool, versatile speaker that the whole family can love.

  36. Denise Todd

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Love it!!!

    So easy to set up! Plugged in and ready to go! I love the clock. Love the sound.I have an echo in every room and I love them!


    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great buy

    Bought these for my grand children and they love these and all the features it has. We can stay in touch with the children who don’t have cell phones.

  38. Betty S.

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Echo dot w clock

    I’m not real fast at doing all the stuff that you can do on the echo but learning, I have no help figuring out everything out ,slowly will get more done,to enjoy it better.

  39. Christopher Nelson

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Imperfect if you don’t have perfect vision

    I’ve had an Echo device of one sort or another for a very long time (I traded in a 1st generation black cylinder for this) so I generally know what to expect.My only real disappointment with this one is that I want to use it as a bedside clock and it is hard to read in the middle of the night without my glasses on. Smaller dots or taller numbers might help but as it is, the dots blur together and I need to struggle and squint to know that I’ve woken up at 3:24 am.

  40. Ariel A De Jesus Jr

    4.0 de 5 estrellas


    Although I’m an Apple product person, I was pleasantly surprised by this product. It worked great and the response was amazing. The only downside was that it took 4-5 days for me to receive the product, even though it was supposed to be delivered the next day. I had to cancel the order and re-order it to be delivered to my residence instead of my office, where I intended to use the product. The delivery page asked for the hours of operation, but Amazon kept saying it was going to be late. Eventually, I canceled the order and placed a new one for same-day delivery to my home.

  41. Tammy

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    A birthday gift 🎁

    I have three Alexa in my home and I depend on her all the time to tell me the weather, to find my phone and to play my country music so my daughter she oh excuse me and Alexa has a alarm to wake me up every morning so my daughter says mom Alexa does a lot for you I would love to have one so this is the one I bought her I like this one it shows the time and it’s white and but she really loves her Alexa she uses it all the time too I do recommend this to anyone especially an older person that loses things like their phone or they hard to get up in the mornings

  42. Amazon Customer

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Great Device, Sound is ok

    We have several Echos & Echo Dots throughout the house, and have given some as gifts.The functionality is as good as any other device by Amazon. I absolutely love the addition of the clock on this device.The sound is on par with the original Echo Dot and the 2nd Generation Dot. There is no comparison regarding the sound to the original Echo, the Echo Plus, or the 4th Generation Echo; just none.I like using the Dots as indoor surround sound in places where it’s nice to have sound, but you don’t need to throw big noise like you can with the fuller sounding Echos with a battery base. (The fact you can group them helps tremendously here for a family gathering or BBQ.)Overall, I am waiting for the clock version to become available again so I can order another one (or two).If the sound was better quality this would be 5 stars for sure!

  43. C. Ziegel

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Replaced my 20 year old alarm clock

    Ok it actually replaces the alarm clock my husband already owned 21 years ago, which was a gift to himself – a bose with a cd player. Over the years we gave up on choosing cds so its been teh same cd for the alarm for a decade, which he complained about but was not willing to choose a cd. Meanwhile it got harder and harder to see the time – not sure if my eyes got older or if the leds started to die. but it got to the point where this thing takes up SO much space on my bedside table and is regularly annoying me.I dont have any other amazon alexa items. I just was getting used to google assistant on my pixel. But this little speaker was super easy to set up. I only have the free amazon prime music with my prime account, but I was able to tell the dot to set an alarm for 7 am and play a song by (one of my husband’s favorite artists), and then go into my phone and make it repeat for weekdays. So, i wont have to remember to turn it on and off every friday/sunday. Woot!He didnt seem to appreciate it (grumpy old man) tho he did admit it was easier to wake up to a song he actually likes. and i realized I can listen to NPR while i do any cleaning in my room.We all dont really like noise – we rarely watch a show together and all of us use headphones in public spaces. So i cant imagine getting more of these. But as a replacement for a 21 year old Bose CD alarm clock? I think its a HUGE upgrade! Easier to read by a huge margin, too.Oh and it glowed yellow and i was panicking – that was too bright for sleeping – but all good, it was just telling me my amazon packages were delivered.Now I need to go check out some sleep activities!

    A 3 personas les resultó útil

  44. Heath

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Echo Dot 5th gen

    I love this touch free device. It’s supper easy setup. With every day tackles this makes life a little less easier when your on a rush or need fast information if it’s needing to know the weather or have a random question that your unsure of you can count on this Echo Dot.The only think I have not been able to figure is when it’s connected to my tablet how to get the speaker to work for my zoom meetings…

  45. Aliyah

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    What can I say I love my Alexa!

    I absolutely love this echo especially the display! It’s so convenient being able to see the time or what song is playing. Also I’ve noticed compared to the earlier models this one picks up your voice from a farther distance which is awesome for when I’m in a different room! The sound quality is really good as well and can get extremely loud if turnt up all the way, I’ve never needed to turn the volume past like 6 🥹

  46. GPNETO

    4.0 de 5 estrellas

    Not impressed, but not disappointed …

    It’s without a doubt a nice device to have. It helps with many things and I like it, but the quality of sound is not as good as many people say it is. Not to me, but I also have very good speakers connected to it and, that problem is solved. If you don’t have any other speakers to play music don’t expect to have a party based on this model’s sound capacity and quality. It’s not loud enough and it doesn’t sound crispy clear. Not even playing HD music.You also, depending on the size of the house, must have a good modem and a router, or maybe several of them to make it work well. I purchased a second one for my bedroom and very often the communication between them both gets lost which can make simple tasks like turning on/off the lights a frustrating momentum. I believe that the time on and learning more about how to set up the device according to my needs will be very helpful. I’m not there yet.Let’s see…

    A una persona le resultó útil

  47. Becca Thomas

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    It worked for a year and a half

    Worked great for a year and a half. Then it quit, said it couldn’t hook up to the internet. Called tech yesterday, she had me do 30 minutes of hoops, then said she would be right back, 10 minutes later she hung up on me. So here I sit with an Alexa that won’t connect. Never changed anything internet wise, just quit. My advice don’t waste your money. It’s not worth the hassle.

  48. Eric McGinnis

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Dad approved

    I’ve had Echos for years, I finally got one for my dad and he loves it too. He loves being able to ask Alexa about weather and time to drive somewhere in addition to all the other random questions he comes up with. I love that I was able to setup Drop In on it so when he forgets to charge his cell phone I can still call and get ahold of him. Thank you Alexa.

  49. Dylan

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    I love this thing

    If you’re using Alexa as a timer throughout the work day or using it to change lighting or work with smart home items, it’s wonderfully convenient. I replaced all the bulbs in my office and can literally control them with Alexa, it’s literally the coolest most convenient thing and I can never go back to regular lights lol!

  50. Dan T

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Amazing little device

    This item is a great addition to my nightstand. I don’t mind if it’s always listening because you can easily go in the settings and clear the memory. The sound quality is a significant improvement over the previous generation Dot. The clock is definitely a bonus, although the brightness is still too high especially at night.

  51. Denise B.

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Best purchase ever!

    The additional I had to pay for the one with the built-in clock was well worth it. Echo Dot was also easy to set up with my smart home devices. It can also detect/hear my voice from afar unlike google. Sound quality is also superb.

  52. Jeannie Madigan

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Was skeptical at first….

    We’re older and skeptical about this new technology, but now Alexa is a part of our everyday life. I like the way the time shows, I don’t have to put on my glasses. And when she plays music it is good quality.

  53. Nicole Desanti

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Use it as an alarm clock

    I like this device as an alarm clock. That’s all I use it for, I have a studio that I use for music (amazing) and a show that I have in my kitchen (life altering) this device is just an alarm clock (for me) works good, no issues I like all the Alexa devices

  54. dlevans

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    I gotta admit, I’m really hooked on Alexa Solutions – Echo Dot and Echo Show

    A few weeks ago I took delivery of an Echo Show. I’ve added many smart devices and have created rooms, groups and routines within Alexa. These devices can be controlled by our Echo Show or Echo Dot.Focusing on the Echo Dot: By adding an Echo Dot in our “owners suite” (avoiding the previously used term for the same location), I’ve extended the Alexa functionality further. The Dot has surprisingly good sound for it’s size. Not saying Bose quality, but very good. We went with the Dot model with a clock to completely eliminate the need for an alarm clock in the room. You can listen to iHeartRadio, Pandora, SiriusXM or Spotify on the Dot (or Show). Depending upon the service, it will scroll artist and song info on the screen. If you ask for the weather it provides you with the weather and scrolls the high and low temps on the Dot. The Dot has a temperature sensor that you can query. If you ask for the indoor temperature it averages the temp on a Nest thermostat and the Dot. Or, you can ask for the individual temperatures. You can also adjust the temperature settings on your Nest thermostat from your Dot (or Show).The only “negative” is with the brightness of the “screen”. The lights/dots are perfect when the room is illuminated (the dots are brighter). When the room is less bright the dots are less bright. In a dark room the dots are a little dimmer than we’d like. I am going to play to see what settings are available to address this modest concern.Overall, I am very happy with our Echo Dot (and Echo Show)!

    A 8 personas les resultó útil

  55. Kristyn

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Immediately YES

    I have always loved having an Alexa, but this one is probably the best. I get lots of compliments on the look, the quality, but mainly how evrytime a song plays, we see the title and artist light up across the front of the Alexa. I will be buying others for each room!

  56. jeffbrown

    5.0 de 5 estrellas


    Works good only thing is if you change info with your router or internet they don’t work. I had to buy two new devices because of it. Not good

  57. Dave Bell

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Quality sound for small size

    Purchased as an aid to senior parent living on their own and the options to add 10 contacts to call cell#s is great. The ability to have voice recognition, for daily reminders, questions on where a movie is streaming, who was in this movie? Weather information live time, news updates, Alexa is my backup companion for mom. She is getting used to all the things capable as we just set it up 3/10/24 and the Prime music sounds fantastic. She already has a Bose sound system for her TV so she was pleased with the clarity and pure sound of the tiny speaker. She said Alexa, I love you…and a heart lit up and Alexa sang a super cute song back. She laughed at the AI abilities and is glad for the addition to help add items to a grocery list etc. Great little DOT. We have the original Alexa Echo taller round tower and now being on same account I can send an announcement to that one if necessary. really nice for $59.00 too.

    A 3 personas les resultó útil

  58. Satisfied Jupiter, FL MOM

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Where has this been all my life 💕

    Great product, must have, want one in every room! Definitely buying for gifts at Christmas!

  59. Helen g.

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Fácil de instalar

    Estoy encantada con la calidad del sonido, fácil de usar y es un diseño lindo

  60. Stanley M.Burroughs

    5.0 de 5 estrellas

    Works great and looks great!

    No dislike works great and love the clock to wake up to in the morning.

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